Part 5

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At school, Jimin sprints to the school's broadcast room. Shortly afterward, an announcement comes on over the loudspeakers, asking for Jeon Jungkook to meet his brother Park Jimin  in the back courtyard for an emergency. Jungkook sprints out of his classroom. Jimin sprints off somewhere, but pauses to pick up a brick.

Kim Bum is with a  male omega ,arguing with Two Middle age Alphas who are angry at the omega for bumping into them and crushing some valuable medicine. The alphas want to be compensated. Kim Bum is convinced they're scanners and starts arguing  and things start to get physical when the Alpha's get too close.

Jimin comes sprinting around the corner and throws his backpack at the  alphas with surprisingly good aim. It seems like it's full of bricks, because it hits one of the Alpha square in the face and he goes down. Jimin tries to attack them, but Kim Bum physically grabs him to hold him back, while Jimin flails like an angry kitten.

Jungkook also comes sprinting around the corner, shouting that the police are on the way. That scares off the alpha's and they ram off from their.

The three start bickering among themselves about getting into a sticky situation, but really it's more like Jungkook yells at Jimin, who yells at Kim Bum, who tries to yell at Jungkook but then realizes that... it's Jungkook.

Jimin and Jungkook exchange a glare and the three of them march off, completely ignoring the other omega who had started it all in the first place.

The trio get in trouble with the teachers. The omega from before drops by to apologize for getting them in trouble with him and introduces himself as Qi Ming Yue. he's in Jimin's class, but Jimin doesn't recognize him.

Everyone is surprised, especially because Ming Yue is the class president. Jimin apologizes, saying he never really paid attention. Ming Yue asks why they helped him if they didn't even know him. All three simultaneously respond that they just did what was right.


At night, Min Ho tidies up around the apartment and discovers that Jimin's backpack is full of bricks.

The next day, Ming Yue invites Jimin out to get ice cream as thanks for helping him. What he doesn't expect is that Jimin has also invited Jungkook and Kim Bum. Ming Yue seems confused when Jimin introduces them as his brothers even though they have no blood relation, but he just nods when Jimin says that they're family — they all eat out of the same pot.

Ming Yue watches, seeming slightly envious and also slightly confused, when Jimin and his Hyung's  freely share their ice cream flavors among themselves. Jimin then offers to let Ming Yue try some of his ice cream and tries a bite of Ming Yue's ice cream without asking. Ming Yue seems a bit taken aback, then hesitantly tries Jimin's ice cream with a smile.

Jimin and Ming Yue become fast friends. On the day of a parent-teacher conference, Ming Yue asks Jimin if his father really doesn't get mad that his scores are so low — both of his brothers are such good students. Jimin nods and says his father has very low expectations of him. Ming Yue, on the other hand, is under a lot of pressure from his mother who was an alpha.

Jimin spots his Appa among the parents and brings Ming Yue over to introduce him. Ming Yue's mother shows up, but when she finds out how great were Jimin's grades she quickly pulls Ming Yue away to go talk to another student, a beta with the top grades in the class.

Jimin and his father gossip and make jokes about the top student and how thick her glasses are.

During the meeting, Jimin's homeroom teacher, Teacher Huang, asks some of the top students' parents to stand up and give advice about how their children are such good students. When it's Ming Yue's mother's turn, she's more than happy to start waxing poetic about everything she does to create an academic environment for her child.

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