Part 3

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Min Ho opens the door to find Jungkook waiting outside. He wordlessly hands Min Ho a bag, then scurries upstairs. Inside the bag  there is some antiseptic medicines .

When Jungkook's mother wakes up, it's nearly 2 PM. She goes out into her living room to find Jungkook eating some instant noodles that he made himself. She asks him why he didn't wake her up, and offers to cook him a side dish, but he just smiles and reassures her that it's okay — he likes eating instant noodles.

Auntie Qian and Auntie Fang show up unannounced, but Mina is forced to invite them in to be polite. They comment on how late it is for Jungkook to be eating lunch. Mina lies and says that he got hungry again and likes to eat instant noodles. Jungkook politely greets the two aunties, then offers to pour them tea.

The old omeags are clearly a bit nosy, but well-meaning. They invite Mina to hang out at Min Ho's noodle shop with them, saying that staying at home all the time isn't good for her — no wonder she and Hae In are always fighting. Mina looks up sharply, and Auntie Fang elbows Auntie Qian, who quickly switches gears. Auntie Fang says she understands how Mina feels, stuck at home with a husband who always works, but also tries to tell her to be more understanding that this is how a family works. Her mate  is busy working for the family, and her duty as a wife is to take care of the household so he can focus on work.


Jimin sits down next to Jungkook with a plate of fried shrimp in his hands. He waves the shrimp under his nose and loudly savors how delicious his Appa's cooking is. Jungkook turns away and ignores him, but licks his lips.

At night, Mina drinks by herself, waiting for Hae In to return home. Jungkook eyes the clock while reading. The moment Hae In gets back, Mina tells Jungkook to go outside and play. Hae In tries to stop him, so Mina starts airing her grievances in front of their child, accusing Hae In of talking about their family issues with other people and sending Aunties Fang and Qian over to talk to her. Jungkook wiggles free and escapes the apartment.

Hae In doesn't want to fight, saying he has to return to work to cover for a coworker whose Pup is sick. Mina blocks his way, slightly drunk — where was he when their pup was sick? Hae In begs Mina to let go of their lost Pupop and spare him and focus on Jungkook. She starts laughing.

Outside, Jungkook doesn't even both pretending to read. He grips his book so hard that he crumples the pages as his parents shout and smash things inside.

Jimin and Min Ho open the door to their apartment and peer up at Jungkook, inviting him over for dinner. Jimin hops up to him and pulls at his arm, asking him to come. He resists at first, but then lets himself be guided down to their apartment.

After dinner, Jimin gives Jungkook the family photo he taped back together, then repeats what his appa said about his sister having left to become a goddess and that one day they'll meet her again. Jungkook tells him that his father lied: his mom and his sister both died. Dying means they don't exist anymore. Dying means that their things are burned, their photos ripped up, and they are forgotten. Just like your Appa has done the same thing.

Jimin sneaks Jungkook into his Appa's bedroom to show him a secret. Jimin pulls a framed photo and photo albums  out of multiple hiding places, then shows Jungkook his father's wardrobe, where his omega  father's clothes are still folded. This is proof that his Appa hasn't forgotten his omega father, and that he won't. Jimin knows that he's just secretly thinking of his other appa . Jimin also misses him  sometimes. Whenever he misses him  he draws him. Jimin says  that he has to hide how much he misses his other Appa from Min Ho , otherwise he'll be sad. Jimin tells Jungkook that he, too, should miss his own sister in secret.

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