Part 9

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Ming Yue's mother invites Jimin and his hyung's out to a meal. She manages to find something nice to say about everyone, even complimenting Jimin on his wood carving competition win, though she seems taken aback when Jimin says that he taught himself using online videos and that he never even planned on entering the competition. Jimin tells her that the three of them all plan on going to college in Seoul, though he's not sure if he can test high enough to get into a university in Seoul. Ming Yue's mother reassures him that art schools require very low test scores so he should be fine.

Then she asks Kim Bum what universities he plans on going to. He casually rattles off a couple of top university names. Ming Yue's mother says that Ming Yue wants to be a lawyer, so he'll probably go to law school, and that the four of them should look out for one another later when they're all at university.

A waiter comes to take their order. Ming Yue's mother criticizes Ming Yue's choices then leaves to speak more with the waiter. Ming Yue takes advantage of his mother's absence to admit that wanting to be a lawyer is news to her.

After they finish eating, Ming Yue's mother asks her why he was looking at Kim Bum the whole time. Ming Yue immediately gets defensive, which his mother points out. His mother reminds him not to care too much about appearances. He should be more like Jungkook and focus on school. But she lets Ming Yue go hang out with the trio for the rest of the day.


Jimin gets a fever — his bad tooth has gotten infected again and is bothering him His Appa wants to get it pulled ASAP. Jimin asks if he can skip school the next day.

A classmate hands Kim Bum a bag in class, saying his father dropped it off. Kim Bum looks inside and realizes which father dropped off the gift, and immediately storms out of the room, completely ignoring Ming Yue, who tries to stop him in the hallway to ask him a question.

Kim Bum finds his basketball friends eating snacks by the court. His biological father had treated them to the food. They make comments about how they never knew until now that his father wasn't his real father, and that his real father looks like he's pretty rich — Kim Bum has to treat them from now on.

Bei is the only one who understands Kim Bum's situation, and tells him that his biological father just left. Kim Bum grabs the half-eaten food and runs off. Bei follows. Ming Yue, having followed Kim Bum earlier, watches the whole incident, confused. He asks one of Kim Bum's teammates what happened and frowns when he hears that Kim Bum's real father has appeared.

Kim Bum catches up to Hua Guang and throws the food at him. Bei has to physically hold him back as Kim Bum spits that he will never recognize his as his father, they have no relationship, and he never wants to see him again. Bei hauls him away.

Bei asks Kim Bum if he told his Appa about Zhao showing up. Kim Bum lashes out at him. Bei points out that Zhao might go looking for MinHo, but Kim Bum seems to prefer to ignore the problem and tells Bei to never mention it again.


Jungkook accompanies Jimin to the hospital to get his tooth pulled. Jimin starts freaking out when he sees a young pup being carried out, crying. Jungkook tries to calm him down, putting his arm around him as he talks him through a breathing exercise, then holding his hands and promising that he'll be by his side the entire time.

When Jimin sits down in the dentist's chair and stares into the bright light, he freezes and starts hyperventilating again. He only calms back down when Jungkook takes his clenched fist into his hands and gently tells him that it'll be okay.

Afterward, Jungkook holds jimin's hand as they head home, telling him that he can eat all the ice cream he wants now and his tooth won't get infected anymore. Jimin keeps his eyes closed, still traumatized, and says that it would be great if Jungkook became a dentist. But he doesn't want to talk about dentists anymore, not wanting to relive the scary memories of the dentist office.

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