Part 8

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Jimin blames himself for causing Jungkook trouble. He wouldn't have to deal with his mother and sister if not for him agreeing to Mei Yang's demands. But Kim Bum points out that the women in Jungkook's family would find some way or other to involve themselves in his life.

He puts his arm around Jimin's shoulders and reassures him that they'll be gone soon, back to their own world, and Jungkook will be back. Jimin keeps staring at the empty street below, and Kim Bum teases him, saying he'll turn to stone if he kept waiting , but then Jungkook actually appears.

Jimin rushes downstairs to meet him in the courtyard and bombards him with questions and chatter about dinner, not giving him space to answer. Jungkook plans on showering and going to bed, but then Jimin gets more serious and says he didn't think it would turn out this way. Jungkook puts his arm around Jimin's shoulders and says he's on his side.

Kim Bum delivers Jungkook breakfast in the morning at school. Jungkook recognizes the food from a restaurant off-campus, but Kim Bum didn't mind making the trek. Like their father, he believes that eating good food can improve one's mood.

Grandma can never be pleased. She criticizes Mina for letting Jungkook spend nights at the hospital while attending class during the day — doesn't she see how exhausted he is? Mina says she has no other choice. If Mei Yang doesn't see her brother, she cries and makes a fuss. Grandma criticizes her for spoiling Mei Yang. Mina points out that she was just following her advice to use Mei Yang as a way of reconnecting with Jungkook. Even she recognizes that there's nothing she can do to make her mother happy.

Mina is spared from further criticism when MinHo arrives. He can't make Grandma happy either; she critically comments, "You just got here?"

Apparently, MinHo has been delivering them food every day. Mina tells him he doesn't have to — they can buy their own takeout — but Grandma scoffs that takeout isn't clean.

MinHo says it's no big deal and turns to leave, but Mina stops him and tries to give him a large envelope of money. She thinks it's the best way for her to show her gratitude to him for raising Jungkook. MinHo firmly rejects the money, saying he's always considered Jungkook to be his own son and will raise him just as well without the money.

After he's gone, Grandma says, "I told you so," again to Mina.



A few weeks later, Jimin and Kim Bum watch eagerly from the noodle shop as Jungkook says goodbye to his mother and sister. Mei Yang clings to him, not wanting to leave, but eventually she gets shepherded into the car and they drive off. The moment they're gone, Jimin and Kim Bum rush down the stairs to celebrate and surround Jungkook and their father with hugs.

And things return to normal for the three. They go to the mall and take photos at the photo booth together. They go shopping for groceries, where Kim Bum and Jimin try to sneak snacks into their basket but Jungkook, ever the responsible one, sorts them out when they check-out.

Jimin gets bored over winter break with nothing to do. Ming Yue was supposed to hang out with them, but because he got the third top score on the final exam, his mother punished him with remedial classes.

One day, Jimin gets a phone call saying he won a wood carving competition. he thinks it's a scam and curses out the caller before hanging up. When the phone rings again, Jungkook intervenes and picks up, then reveals that he was the one who sent in the sculpture.

The family celebrate Lunar New Year. Jimin makes sure that Jungkook and Kim Bum both call their relatives. Kim Bum gets a call from Ming Yue on his cell phone. Jimin picks it up and they chat for a bit before Ming Yue asks him to pass the phone to Kim Bum so he can wish him a happy new year.

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