Part 13

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Ming Yue sobs across the table from Jungkook. He looks uncomfortable and glances around at the fellow coffee shop patrons who are all staring at them. Ming Yue apologizes for making a scene but can't help but cry. Jungkook asks him to look after Jimin now that both he and Kim-Bum will be gone. He promises to send daily updates so that he'll feel like he's still here.

MinHo fusses over Jungkook, saying that he'll express mail food to him whenever he wants it, as they pack his bags into the car. He's the only one there to see him and HaeIn off to the airport. Jungkook glances up at the rooftop of the apartment building before he gets into the car, but there's no one there. MinHo asks him not to blame the others for not coming.

Kim-Bum stands up from where he was hiding on the rooftop and watches as the car drives away.

At night, MinHo calls Jimin in a hushed voice, asking if he'll come home. Kim-Bum leaves tomorrow. Kim-Bum eavesdrops at his bedroom door, but it doesn't sound good. MinHo sighs. Does Jimin really plan on cutting ties with both his brothers?

The next morning is like a repeat of the one before, as MinHo fusses over Kim-Bum, telling him to call whenever he feels like eating food from home, and HaeIn reminds him of the time. Kim-Bum sticks his head out the window as the car drives away, trying to wave and look at his father for as long as he can.


Jimin hangs out by himself at a park and looks up at the sky as a plane flies by.

On the first day of the new school year, Jimin and Ming Yue leap into each other's arms with a hug. Jimin spent the whole summer vacation at her grandmother's house in the countryside.

Ming Yue asks if Jimin has called his brothers yet. Jimin says no. Ming Yue asks if he is  really plans on cutting all ties with them. Jimin says no to that, too, but says that Ming Yue can call them if he wants.

Ming Yue says that Jimin is being naive when it comes to them and starts defending Jungkook; he had no choice. Jimin turns to him with a glare. Ming Yue doesn't seem to notice Jimin's sudden change in mood, and starts talking about how blood is thicker than water and Jungkook has a little sister there, too. Jimin kicks his desk, startling his classmates, then grabs his backpack and storms out. He brushes roughly past Taehyung on his way out. Taehyung glances back at him curiously, but then is swarmed by hisclassmates.

His classmates ask  for updates on his movie. The lead actor still hasn't been chosen yet, but Taehyung's classmates are confident he will be the one. Taehyung asks someone what happened with Jimin. No one knows, but they mention how Jimin kicked a table in front of Ming Yue. Taehyung looks curious.

Ming Yue is unable to find Jimin on campus, and Jimin doesn't come back to class. Ming Yue broods during class. At one point, he turns to look at Jimin's empty desk. Taehyung sees him looking, and looks, too.

Jimin skips school and takes the bus, tapping for three people's fare out of habit before realizing what he's done. he cries and then naps on the bus, nostalgic for his brothers. The bus driver wakes him up at the end of his shift. He's already ridden the whole route three times.

On the way home, one of Jimin's neighbors, Wang Dou Dou, skips up and asks about  Jungkook and Kim-Bum going abroad. She calls them both heartless, meaning to be on Jimin's side, but Jimin gets angry at her and threatens to beat her up,  Yelling they didn't ditch the family. They'll be back after they graduate from college.


They run into Auntie Qian and Dou Dou's mom in the courtyard. In front of the adults, Jimin forces a smile. Dou Dou's mother also brings up the topic  Jungkook and Kim-Bum "returning" to their families and asks if they still call. Jimin says they do. Dou Dou's mother takes it as a sign that the boys still have a conscience, but Auntie Qian says the true test will be after they graduate from college. If they still come back to visit, then they'll truly have a conscience. Uncomfortable with the conversation, Jimin makes an excuse to go home.

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