•One || tends to the end•

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Neteyam was chasing Antani through the woods, the girl he had liked... or so he thought. Antani was a beautiful tall girl with bright green eyes and blue skin as dark as they get. He hair was braided with feathers and fangs all through it.

Antani was one of the best singers, like her mother Ninat. She learned at a very young age and, like her mother, was very adventurous. She never knew her father but she didn't like to think of him much cause of the stories her mother tells her. She seems very happy that he is not alive anymore because of his actions.

Neteyam is running after her through the trees and over branches. Almost catching her a few times til he gets close enough to pull her in by the hips. She felt cold hands wrap around her hips as he tackles her to the ground. Flipping her over where she is laying beside him as they stare into eachothers eyes.

It's as if darkness lights up around them. The spark between them shines brighter than the new stars in the sky... sky people.
The horrible creatures that tear up their homes and leave them burning in their own spirit trees that they dare to protect with their lives.

Antani was very spiritual and loved to connect with eywa. She knew Kiri had a gift when she saw the way the animals communicated, and acted around kiri. She was also very close to kiri. Antani loved to explore with tuk, go to the spirit tree with kiri, run around with Neteyam, cook with neytiri and she even went into battles with them. She was known for a lot of things and she was also very kind. She had the heart of a butterfly. She was gentle and very sweet.

She seemed like the perfect one for neteyam. Everyone thought they would mate before eywa. Or even if they have already mated. Everyone was rooting for them, even some other clans... cause they knew they would be perfect for eachother.

Neteyam is chasing Antani through the woods once more, getting close til she challenges him and hits some obstacles. She loves the challenge. It's like nothing can go wrong in this world with them two side by side.

"Hey come back here Ant!" Neteyam called out few feet behind her. She tries to ignore his distractions but he makes it harder for her eachother time. "Owww oww Ant come back I think I hurt me ankle." Worried, Antani turns around to see Neteyam on the ground with his foot a few inches off the ground while holding his ankle. Very very worried she rushed to him with a pouty face.

He touched her shoulder, looked into her eyes and said "Gotcha!"

"Dammit Neteyam I hate when u do that!" She said angrily. He does this a lot but her being the kind of girl that she is.. will fall for it everytime cause she just cares about him.

She stomps back angrily to the village as he runs after her. "Hey I'm sorry but the game is the game." She said trying to reassure her.. he isn't very good at it. He puts a hand on her shoulder and turns her around to look into her eyes. His yellow topaz eyes meets her emerald green eyes as their lips close the space between them.

Just a few seconds they hold it there and lean against eachothers foreheads with their noses touching. "I'm sorry Ma'Ant I'll never do it again." He said looking into her eyes. She holds his left hand with both of hers and says "it's ok Ma'teyam, we just need to go back and make dinner for our families."

Them two were the best cooks in the village which also is why they make a good duo. They cook for both of their families at the same time so it can feel like sharing a meal without being in the same house hold. They always like feel connected, even if it's with meals, jewelry or hunting. It makes their bond stronger.

They're on their way back to the village when they see some kids captured by sky people.. or Navi in military suits. Neteyam calls Jake and Neytiri in and they get closer as they grab onto their knives. They didn't bring their bows because they were only playing around.

They both look on either side of the tree high up in the air so they're not spotted. Neteyam got a closer look when he realized it was his siblings and spider. With the head pieces Antani could hear the conversation. "Don't be heard and keep a look out. There could be more around them. Do not attack, I repeat, do not attack." Jake said in the headpiece.


Antani could not process what was happening. She couldn't think straight which was the worst thing in this situation.

Just then there were shots and arrows going everywhere. Neteyam held Antani by the arm and they're hugging eachother, scared for eachother but they couldn't back down. Neteyam kissed Antani on the forehead and and quietly whispered in her ear "I'll be right back" he started running through the branches trying to find a way out.

Antani couldn't help but run after him.

There was a shot, helicopter and lights. Because of the bright lights Antani couldn't see and eventually passed out. She fell to the ground hazy eyesight, lights in the hair and someone hovering over her til she fully passed out.

A/N: I love this part so much but don't worry there's more soon!!

Word count: 943

||- It's my Calling -|| Neteyam Sully x OCWhere stories live. Discover now