•Five || new beginning•

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Antani stood waiting on the chiefs son. She didn't know who he was or what his name was but she wanted to learn more about him. She waits eagerly for him as she is very impatient. Just then she feels a hand on her shoulder.

"I am so sorry I scared you, your Antani right?" She turned around as the voice was not familiar to her. As she faced him she looked up to see a very cute boy standing in front of her. The height difference was going to kill her neck. "Yes that's me, and you are?" She said. She wasn't sure if this was his son or not when she has only seen him from a distance.

"Oh yes, my eywa I am sorry I have not introduced myself. I'm Ateyo, the chiefs son as you know." That was a very nice name and it fit him very well. "What were you planning on teaching me again?" He asked. She was for sure his parents told him but you don't know what they're like. " I was going to show you how to teach the kids. You have to be courteous with how they learn."

She wasn't making a lot of sense to him so he followed her lead. She seemed very interesting and he seemed to have taken interest and gotten lost. "Are you listening?" She asked. He zoned back down to Pandora and looked at her once more.

"I am sorry I must have zoned out. I will pay more attention could you repeat it?" She was getting frustrated but had to be patient with him as he is the chiefs son. There wasn't much she could do at this point. She explained everything to him as he only seemed to listen half of the time.

"Do you want to go to the forest?" He asked after she was done explaining. She didn't want to do this and he didn't seem to want to either so she just stopped. She nodded in response and he grabbed her hand. It reminded her of the adventures she had with Neteyam. She had to get him out of her head.

She ran after him as they were laughing like little kids. She felt so free after weeks of feeling low. His smiled only made her get butterflies. She never felt butterflies with Neteyam, was it really love if she never felt like this?

A/N: Sorry it's so short I wanted to end this part and I took a big break because I lost motivation but merry Christmas anyways!!

Word count: 433

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