•Four || the way of water•

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Miniri woke up bright and early to help her mother with the healers. Miniri hadn't had much things to do until she was chosen, which she was sure she was going to be.

"My child, I need you to go to the forest and grab some herbs for the medicines." Ronal said stopping Miniri in her tracks. "Yes mother, I'll be back in 10 minutes." Miniri said before grabbing her waist bag and walking away. Miniri had a waist bag that was this light brown with drawings around it and gemstones connected to the strings.

She set off into the woods when she heard some commotion going on not far from her. It was Neteyam and loak walking together. She loved their relationship with eachother. Neteyam then made eye contact with her as Loak was still talking. Just then loak looked at her too and smiled. He waved at her as he elbowed Neteyam to wave too.

She smiled at the interaction and continued her way into the woods. She had looked around for a few minutes til she found some herbs that her mother had wanted. She was walking back to the village when she noticed tuk all alone on the sand. She walked up behind her and sat there.

"Tuk? Right?" Miniri asked making sure she got her name right. "Yeah!" Tuk said shyly but excitedly. "I'm Miniri, if you haven't heard" she said chuckling. Tuk looked out into the ocean when she saw an ilu swimming around.

"What is that?" Tuk asked pointing the animal out. "That is an ilu, it is for young riders. Yall will learn to ride one in the next few days." Miniri said explaining. "Well tuk, I've got to get back to the healing pod but I will teach yall later." Miniri said getting up and leaving.

She walked into the healing pod and sat the herbs on the side table beside her mother. "Thank you bug, please be gentle with the sullys." She said before Miniri walked out of the pod.

Just then Miniri ran into Neytiri walking out of her pod. "Awh I'm am so sorry child, I am just looking for tuk." Miniri smiled at her then said "oh she's sitting on the beach by the communal pod. " Miniri said before diving in the water. Neytiri smiled at her then turned and walked away.

Miniri swam up to Tsireya, loak, Neteyam and Roxto. "Where's kiri?" Roxto asked. "Oh she's in our pod, she doesn't feel comfortable right now" Neteyam said. "She misses our home and even if we have to adjust it was just hard for her" Loak added. Miniri looked into Neteyams eyes as they were talking and it had seemed like time had slowed down. Everyone else was blurred to her. It was just her and Neteyam.

"Well we should get started and not waste anymore time!" Miniri said. Miniri had sat on a rock with tsireya on her right and roxto on her left. They were teaching the sullys how to properly breath.

Loak had seen to struggle the most so Miniri nudged tsireya to help him. You can tell he was flustered by his stuttering and red cheeks. He was very obvious too but good thing Tsireya was too oblivious.

Afterwards Neteyam had walked off the explore the island some more. He missed his home and exploring through the ocean took his mind off of it. Miniri was teaching little kids when she saw him walking alone near the shore. "Neteyam!" Miniri yelled. Startled Neteyam looked up to see Miniri with little kids in the shallow water waving him over.

He had nothing better to do so he walked over. Just as he was getting closer one of the kids was whispering to Miniri. Neteyam could tell she was red but he just brushed it off, still wondering what that kid had said to her. "Would you like the help me teach these kids some hunting tricks? Or maybe how you did it in the forest." Miniri wanted to try to include him since he seemed lonely and he agreed. They didn't have similar weapons nor habitats but he had tried his best and watched what Miniri was doing closely.

Miniri caught Neteyam staring at her a few times but she didn't think much of it. She could tell she was kind of teaching him too but with the kids that were struggling he helped them the best he could. He seemed so good with kids which made Miniri even more flustered. That was one bad thing, if she liked a guy she was very obvious.

Neteyam just didn't think much of it but he slowly started to catch on. Just then they heard yelling and commotion and Neteyam started running over from the water. She saw him walk away confused then his body language changed. She guessed he saw who did it so she thought it was handled. Neteyam was a responsible boy so she thought he had it covered. Then she heard it get worse so she told the kids to go to their pods and she started to run over to the commotion.

She stood there seeing her brother, his friends standing in front of tonowari with Neteyam and loak following their dad. They all look beat up. Kiri was just standing there not knowing what to do so she brush passed Miniri to go into the water. Miniri was very confused until she saw Aonungs friends snickering and running away as Aonung and Tonowari went to their families pod.


A/N- OMGGG dramaaaa but Miniri totally likes Neteyam but poor Miniri what if she gets rejected:(

Word count: 947

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