•Seven || step in place•

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Miniri woke up with a smile on her face as the sun shined on her body warming her through the mid morning air. Her mother is cutting up some fruits as the rest of the family was nowhere to be found.

"She's awake dear!" My mother yelled out.

Just then Neteyam waltz up to me.. what was he doing here? I looked at my mother in concern.
"Oh dear I forgot to tell you he's helping you with Tsahik duties, he's trained as Ole'eyktan so it will make things a lot easier. Jake sully agreed." She said.

This surprised me, with her not knowing how I felt for him. Just then she gave me a smirk as I took Neteyam hand and we walked outside the pod.

She must have knew something about what was going on through my heart.

When he took my hand it was as if Cupid struck me with one of his arrows. As if it was a magnetic string that tied us together. Like we were anchored together.

I felt my stomach fluttering with excitement and shyness as we made our way to the healing pod. As we approached he let go of my hand as if he was ashamed.

I didn't think much of it but we stepped in and everyone gave me smirks d they gave him winks. He seemed just as confused as me but we sat in the corner and started making ointments.

"What's going on with everyone?" He whispered to me.. I looked up and everyone was staring.

I gave everyone a glare and they continued with their work. He looked at me confused but I only hummed in response.

I sensed his grin as he continued. He was good at making these things. I wonder if he made them a lot back in the forest.

"How was life in the forest?" I asked without even thinking. I regretted it as soon as it came out of my mouth.

"I am so sorry I shou-"

"No no it's fine, I love talking about the forest."

His accent was so heavy yet beautiful.

"Are you sure?" I asked. I didn't expect that kind of response.

"Oh yes yes, I loved the forest. Even if it was my home... this is also my home. It's comforting to be in the water.. and with you" as he said the last part his voice trailed off into a mumble.

I hardly understood what he said but shook it off.

"Antani was amazing but.. she's nothing compared to you." He said giggling. How could he say that so calmly?

"Compared.. to me?" I asked.

"Yeah she was sweet but aggressive. She loved to compete and would do anything. She was a bit selfish but I looked that over. Then after we moved it broke me but... you brought back down to Pandora and only made the light shine brighter."

At this point everyone was intrigue by our conversation. They were leaning in but not making it too obvious.

I didn't know what else to say so when he stood up, I stood up as well and held his hand as we walked out. I was all flustered hiding my face as his thumb stoked the back of my hand.

It was little affection but it's the little things that count. "Teyam.." I was scared for what I was about to say and regretted it once more.


His eyes shined bright with the sun and the yellow only reminded me of a flame, like a bonfire. Just then I heard a horn.. the tulkun.

I got all excited and sprinted towards the water as he followed. He hopped on his ilu as I hopped on mine.

"It's the tulkun!!" I said as we swam. I giggled and I could tell he was piercing my face with his eyes but I didn't care. I was happy and was with the person I wanted to be with.

As we hopped off the ilu I saw my tulkun with the similar stripes just then I realized why her stomach stripes were so familiar... they were the same as Neteyams.

Was that a sign?

I shrugged it off thinking nothing of it.

We went underwater when I met with her.

This is my friend Neteyam.

He is handsome.. you like him?

I blushed at her response when I see Neteyam making a confused face at me.

She asked who you were. Also this is my spirit sister.. Lo'ra.

Beautiful name.. nice to meet you Lo'ra.

He smiled as she tried communicating but he didn't know what she said.

She said nice to meet u.

Oh okay.. I'll let you both have your time alone.

He then started swimming away and lo'ra realized my mood change.

No you love him.

How could I? I only met him a few weeks ago

Love is love hon. You just have to accept it. And by the way he looks at you.. he must feel the same way.

He doesn't look at me more than a friend.

Oh yes he does. He does the doll eyes when he looks at you.. I know it.

We then were swimming around when I invited Kiri to swim with us. I introduced them and we swam all around. Kiri was fun to be around and I loved our interactions even when we had very little.

Good bye friend, I'll see you soon.

Lo'ra then started swimming away with the other tulkun. I felt sad she was leaving but it was like always.

I came back up to the surface when I see Neteyam on an ilu, he looked mesmerized by the tulkun.

"So that's me Tulkun?" He asked smiling.

I can't lie I loved his smile and it only brought me butterflies. "Yes, they are very intelligent creatures and can sense not only fear and happiness but love."

He then got a worried but greatful look.

"So how was it, with Lo'ra." He asked.

Oh you have no idea how much I talked about you.. "oh it's was fun, after you left we swam with Kiri then talked some more. A lot about boys and how annoying they are." I said smirking as I got onto the back of my ilu.

He then gave me a glare with pouty lips as he then splashed me. "Rude!" I jokingly said as we started swimming to shore.

Just then when we ran onto the beach he grabbed my tail only making me trip and he landing ontop of me.

It was a moment but very anxious moment.

Our heartbeats beat together as he sat up and looked into my eyes. Our faces inched closer only when I heard a yell.

"Miniri!!!" Shit.. it's my dad.


A/N: I know I'm losing motivation but I'm trying to get ideas!! Comment if you have a suggestion.

Word count: 1149

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