Run 1

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Izuku POV 

The rain dripped from my hair into my face, the dark road was deserted and you could only hear my steps and the many raindrops splashing on the ground and the roofs. It's a miracle that I haven't slipped on the slippery paths yet and nothing has happened to me yet. The area I run through is famous for the many crimes and the few heroes who have patrol in this part of the city. Nevertheless, I always took this way home from school, even if it is much more dangerous, longer and more complex. I need 2 hours to run if I didn't hurry. But if I chose another route, I would meet Kacchan and I definitely didn't want that. It's dark, the streets were covered with splinters of broken beer bottles, and sometimes I could see more than just splinters on these streets. Last year I found a dagger and some money. I put the dagger in the shoe for self defence and hin the money. Sometimes when no one is watching, I practice a few tricks, e.g. throwing, fighting, but only with a tree. I could never hurt anyone, not even if I was supposed to be the victim. The shards begin to pile up, the path is becoming more uneven and there are fewer and fewer street lamps. I see a large graphite on a wall of an abandoned house. It's officially abandoned, but I think people live in the houses that I walk past and that should actually be uninhabited. For me, the graffiti means that it is only about 30 minutes to get home. I started to walk slowly because there were rumours that there is a hideout for villains in the house with the graphite and I have heard noises from there several times. I don't want to attract attention and seem suspicious by running in front of the hiding place. I start stepping over the puddles and shards in the quietest way and if I can avoid it, I don't step into the puddles at all. I know it was pointless today, because the rain drowned out any noise anyway, but I still wanted to be sure. I pull the hood of my black soaked hoodie over my head because a child is very suspicious in this one and go through the rain until I'm sure I'm far enough from the house with the graffiti before I start running again. Mother will certainly be so worried I'm pretty late because I fell asleep over my notebook, the quirks of a few playing children were so interesting that I lost sight of the time. Mother will burst into tears if she doesn't already do that.

???: Hey, you!

I hear an unknown voice calling for me that pulls me out of my mind. I try to turn my head around and not stop running. The person could be a villain or someone who wanted to do something to me. I fell, but as I stumble over my feet and with all my weight on the ground full of shards and water a lot.

???: Are you okay?

Asked the voice that comes from a black shadow that jumped from a roof. I have water and dirt in my eyes and can only recognise the design. The male voice asks again with concern in the voice.

???: Are you okay? What are you doing here?

I decide to play the innocent child, he is not evil as I can see and he would do nothing to a child, but I don't know what he wants from me.

Me: I am not allowed to talk to strangers.

I answered his question. I didn't want to say how I'm doing. The shards are in my hands and legs and I feel the warm blood mixing with the cold water on my skin.

???: Tsk. Are you a child trapped in an adult body?

I hear him say ironically. I'm puzzled, he thought I was an adult. I'm on the floor and he can't see my height and in the rain it's hard to hear the voice and I'm also very quiet. So he didn't hear my bright child's voice, as everyone calls it, and only focussed on the words.

Me: I am a child. I'm 10.

I feel a few strong hands around me pulling me up.

The man then bends down to me at eye level and asks me questions while still brightening me firmly.

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