I can't lie to myself 4

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I can't lie to myself. Mother has lost her title for a long time. She was Inko no one else for me.

Me: Why do I have to be in this miserable?

Me: Why does everyone think I feel good in my misery?

Me: Why does everyone have to say and think that I am weak?

Me: Quirkless doesn't mean that I'm blind, deaf, dumb or I'm missing a member?

I'm just different and nothing can be unusual if there is one. The quota for people without quirk who have killed themselves is great if you think how few there are quirkless. 1/1000 a very small number, you had to be very bad luck to be born Quirkless.

I hit the wall out of anger and frustration, a crack arose a little blood was on the wall. I only smile while I see the blood trickle down the wall. I lick my fist and fell the metallic taste and grin more. Then I go in my room it seems like a dream to me. I am strong for a ten-year-old. At least something I can do. I'm going to the kitchen. There I stand perplexed, what did I want in the kitchen? I run into the bathroom and put my traumatised uniform in the washing machine, it was still full of blood, but because it is black, you can't see it. I absolutely have to write in my notebook Eraserhead is the passive kind of person who never smiles, but he tried or was nice, even if I'm quirkless, just like Present Mic who hugged me.

Wait who Present Mic hugged me and Ereaserhead had his hands on my shoulders means that they have blood from me on their clothes. Shit. They have my DNA on their clothes, they could do noting or try to find out from witch Person it is. 0.1% of the DNA of 3 billion is 3 million base pairs. That's enough to identify a person, which means I'm lost. My moth...Inko will be disappointed. Or am I dramatic? I put on a shirt and pants and run to the laptop. The two heroes probably caught the Asassine and bought her to the nearest police station ... or in U.A. ... Eraserhead has a detective as friend. I hacked in where the detective supposedly works. And in their machines for blood testing. A single one is used and the blood group is AB+. Yep, that's my blood AB+ is very rare. Should I stop the machine? In exactly 18 minutes my identity is shown. I have decided to let the machine overheat and so it is blown up, the blood is eliminated.

I accelerate the machine 18 times, that means another minute.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... they connections was stopped the machine exploded. I took from meeting with the heroes 1.49 hours the heroes made their mission in 0,48 hours the machine probably had to take 1.1 hour to 0,18 hours for the analysis. I'm so glad that I could use my hacker art to blow me out.

Now it occurs to me that I have done that, that also Kacchan does, blowing what he does not like. I'm the only child who knew about his nice side when he was little. That's why he hurts me. I hack myself out of the police network without a trace, lie down in bed, breathe, close my eyes and try to think why he does this.

It doesn't help after a minute I get up get the aid kid and take care of my wounds. Put on a hoodie and long pants and march to the next library.

It was a big old library that has almost everything. Old, new and books that have never been published. The nice older lady also admitted a few of my detentions in this library, of course not the original ones, which are written in Morsecode, but I wrote them again and the librarian found them so great that she wanted them as he wanted. I know it's just pity, but I always feel good when I go to the shelf with my staples.

Librarian: Oh, Izuku, do you have a new book?

Me: No, I want to read about Quirks.

Librarian: Don't surprise me. Here is a new book about Quirks, it is old and written in a foreign language. Do you want to decipher it? So far, lots of scientists could only talk about the book and do nothing with it.

Me: Of course I want to decipher it!!!

Librarian: All right! Here it is.

She is drawing a big, heavy book. It has a leather cover with a few ornaments made of glass and gold foil. The title that was made of purple glass is already a mystery. I take the thick and heavy book in my hands and go to the reading corner. The book is on the floor in front of me. I leaf through the pages, the title is a mixture of three languages from other books that I also had to decipher.

The title was "The secret of the bloody demons quirk".

Hmm, the Dmonen quirk was a force that upgraded from user to user until it became so strong that the user died during its use. some people searched for the DNA of the last owner because the demon died because his quirk was too strong to him, which meant that the next quirk user was immortal. I only wrote mathematical, biological and philosophical theories as it could be that the quirk always improved in contrast to AFO. I opened the first page and saw an illustration of the demon and many small signs around. Each sign stands for a sentence and instead has nothing to do with others. I will eat and I eat can have a completely different sign. So there are almost an infinite number of drawings in this language. That means I have to rewrite the whole book.

Me: Librarian, you may have a book in which it was not written.

Librarian: A book? No booklet?

Me: No, I have to rewrite the whole book. There are an infinite number of characters and none repeats, so there is no sense to create an infographic.

Librarian: I can give you such a book tomorrow. Or you can use the laptop and I'll print the pages. Are they good at typing?

Me: Yes, I'm not bad.

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