Two Smaties have a talk 5

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Nezu POV

I'm going to the library to hand over a few notebooks. I have to return a few booklets that I use as material for black mailing. The booklets are inconspicuous and handwritten, yet there is so much detailed information about the heroes that may be illegal. I don't know where they come from, but they are valuable material.

Librarian Katrin: How exciting I am with the two smartest people I know in a room.

Person? She compares me to a person.

???: You should say individuals, Nezu is not a person, he is a chimaera

Librarian Katrin: Ohh, I'm sorry. How exciting I am with the two smartest individuals I know in a room.

She aroused my curiosity, who is supposedly as smart as I am?

I am looking at the reading corner now I see a child. He looks at a laptop and looks then a book before he quickly continues typing. His fingers are fast, they float on the keyboard. They are so precise for an 8-9 year old.

Child: I am 10

Me: How did you know what I was thinking. Do you have a mind-reading quirk.

Child: I can read your facial expression like an open book. You look at me confused and also amazed. Maybe because you saw that I am a child who was put on a staircase with you and it is not a rival. Your astonishment will probably come because you think I'm under ten and can type so well.

Can he see through me? Does he really not have a mind reader quirk?

Child: No, I really don't have any mind readers quirk.

Me: Interesting, how can you read my facial expression, you don't look at me.

Child: The reflection on the computer screen.

Nezu: I See

Child: What are you doing here.

Me: Borrow a book.

Child Ohh, can I guess what the book is called.

Me: You can try it.

He will never guess it.

Child: "10 ways to for world domination"

Me: Hahahaha

The child really has humour.

Child: Hmm, maybe "blackmailing for advanced"

Me: Hahahahahahah

A bit disturbing, but I enjoy hearing someone who doesn't make children's jokes.

Child: "How to secretly pull the strings in Japan".

Me: How do you know that?

That was surprising. This is how people feel when they are surprised with information that I actually don't have to know. I want to change the topic quickly. Because the child doesn't want to answer my answer.

Me: So you're a hacker.

Child: Ohhh~ I was caught. How did you find out.

His poisonous voice and his ironic tone makes me feel stupid. An extremely disturbing feeling that I have never really known before.

Me: It was pretty clear when you see the speed.

I tried to start a new conversation that won't make me look stupid.

Me: Why did you write off the book?

Child: Child, I am writing a translation.

Me: Yes, I see that, but why.

Child: Isn't it clear? So that others can read it.

Me: Others? Which Ones Others?

This time, the conversation did not take an unpleasant path for me. The child takes his hands off the keyboard and looks slowly to me.

Child: A point for you.

Me: Why do you write it then.

Child: It's fun to read the book and I might like to read it again.

Me: What is it about?

Child: Legends of strong quirks.

Librarian Katrin: He loves quirks.

Child: I know I'm a fan of quirks. I don't know a better combination then a quirk lover that has no quirk.

His chances of a good future have dropped enormously. I am now worried about the child because the death rates for Quirkless people are high.

Child: I'm mentally ok.

Me: Huh

He has already done it again

Child: Your face says it all.

Librarian Katrin: Pffff

Me: A book written in such an unknown language has a high chance of a truth.

The fact that this book is written in a completely different language and the child can read it is still very surprising and fascinating. I'm looking at the book, yes, that's definitely not a well-known language of humanity. Maybe one forgotten, or one where only a few could.

Child: I know. But probably only a small part of it is true.

Maybe I can make him a little more cheerful

Me: I believe in the theory that Quirkless people are born because they are strong enough in contrast to people who are born weak and get a quirk as help.

Child: Yes, I have read such a theory. Allegedly, people had a small quirk that helped them to compare with the strong ones. But the quirks multiplied more and more and became stronger and stronger.

Me: Nice that you know the theory.

Child: It's already late, bye.

The child seems happier. Before, there was only ridicule and hatred in his face.

Me: What's your name.

Child: I am called Deku.

Me: I don't call you that!

Child: Then you can decide.

He hides his name from me.

Me: Is there a reason why you don't tell me your name?

Deku: You! ... So Bye.

He waves goodbye and I see his wrist for a short moment. Pha. Metal ok? His wrist says something different.

Me: sighs

It's bad, but at this age.

Deku POV

He just makes me sadder. His encouraging attempt would be pathetic. I had put on a false smile when I looked at him. After that, I quickly borrowed the book and literally ran out of the library.

The cold air on my skin is good for me. I want to go home as soon as possible. Continue reading the book, maybe after I have translated it I can buy the actual book. The book is more like a diary where every user has written. The first 30 pages are empty. The next page describes the quirk how it has changed from user to user and how each user has trained. On some pages I see a bit of dry blood, on others, a small trace as if something was glued to it. So the members of the quirk must have given themselves the quirk. I look at the last entry, there is a bloody handprint over the whole page. I have the DNA that can potentially give me the quirk or a poisoning.




No, even if that was true, I won't use the quirk. My head has already been poisoned by people. I can use it to be a hero. How can I be a hero who helps people he hates? How can I help Kacchan in the future if a villain attacks him and knowing that he has done or is doing much worse. People change, but they don't turn into other people.No, that can't be. I won't live long. I just need the perfect moment. I close my eyes and imagine how I start jumping on the last day of school when the U.A. enters exam.

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