Entrance exam 36

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Deku POV

The first part of the exam is finished. Demi is tired of watching she is sleeping on my hair. Now it's just the physical exam. The exam I'm most afraid of and it's an understatement to the say that I am only afraid, I'm doubting everything and scared to death. I'm so scared I'd like to stay in a corner and not move anymore. However, my smile is as immortal as I am. Should I be happy about it?

I go to the waiting room after I finish writing the test. It's a large hall with many chairs, I sit down at the back. I got a plan of how many points each robot gets and how they are divided. And about the big robot that doesn't give any points. Suddenly I feel watched. I look back and forth and see a camera on a wall. You can't see if it's used right now, but I'm sure someone is watching me. The camera is as small as a pea and I almost didn't see it. I smile and wave to it. After everyone has gathered, Present Mic gives a speech.

Nezu POV

This boy seems to be something special, he noticed my camera and also knew that I was using it.

Deku POV

Wow, they built a big fake city. When the gates opened, I immediately ran off and most of them are shocked by the dimensions of this city, which was only built for the exam. I attacked the first robot and use a metal part of it as my support iteam. You were not allowed to take anything with you, but there was no rule where it was said that you were not allowed to use anything that you found. I have a long iron bar and crush every robot that gets in my way, even if I make good progress, I'm tense. Is that enough?

Every robot that crosses me becomes metal scrap and I don't hesitate once. A bubbling anger boils in me and I think of my deceased bullis every time I destroy a robot. I start to get into the interior of the built small town by jumping from building to building. I try to use my left hand only little. Because I pierced her with a pen. I don't know if I should regret it or not. I'm in pain, but I have nothing against the sweet pain. But I don't want my left hand to lose its grip.

My hand is wet and slippery from all the blood. I'm not supposed to slip. I made it to the highest point in the city. I look down below and see how the students defeat the robots. The apartment on whose roof I am standing is very high around 15 floors. I could jump down and use the momentum of jump to demolish around the 10 robots. I break my metal stick into two pieces and then let myself fall. I hear som gasping. I crush the 10 robots and leave only leftovers. The students look at me in amazement and awe.

I hear Present Mic's voice announcing that the big robot is coming and it's best to run away because he doesn't give any points. I want to run away and defeat other robots when I see a girl under the robot who is about to become only a memory. Her foot is trapped under a stone and the robot almost crushes her. I could save them and have some fun or leave her. An insidious smile can be seen on my face. I sprint to the girl and break the stone that holds her foot with the help of the momentum I have from the run. I then gently take her in my arms and throw her out of the runway from the foot of this gigantic robot. Just a few seconds after I threw the girl away, the robot stomps in the place I'm standing. I hear screams. From the girl of people in the area and from Present Mic who probably think I'm dead. 

When the foot fell in my direction, I jumped away in the last millisecond and clung to his foot. I climb up his foot. So it feels probably for an ant or spider when it crawls up a person's leg. The robot continues walk and everyone is still in shock because the robot allegedly smashed me. I hear the girl and others crying and complaining from far away. What's their problem, they don't even know me. After a long climbing part that I only pull through with my right hand and my legs. I arrive at the head of the robot. I pull out a metal plate that considers its engine and everything important. Then I start working.

Of course, I'm not stupid to turn off the robot. It would fall and crush all the other students. I move a few cables and finally tear the control of the robot to me in the last minutes of the exams I crush the small robots and every now and then a few of the buildings of the wrong city. I grin treacherously warming I sat on his shoulder. I have to use all my will power to not laugh like a maniac.

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