I can't lie 26

205 12 2

Bakugo POV

It was two exhausting days I had to spend the whole time with my mother. She wants to do something all the time and I just want to be as far away from her as possible. If I don't argue with my mother, I have to think of Deku and that makes me more angry. How dare the director throw it out of school? I know his face is already an insult, but when he throws him out of school, Deku doesn't get what he deserves. He deserves worse than just not being allowed to go to school. When can I beat him up?

I go to school in a bad mood and step on a stone lying on the floor. Great, it's Monday and I already don't feel like going to school anymore.

When I arrived at school, I immediately feel a strange aura in the air, something is wrong. A large crowd is gathered in front of the school. Some students just scream, some just look disgusted, some had no emotions and others had a sadistic smile on their lips. I have no idea what's going on. A mess before school.

I then see two police cars driving to our school and a hearse. My eyes are getting big. What's going on? I'm running towards what's happening and pushing some extras out of the way.

Me: Out of the way extras what the hell happened here!?

Dan, I see him. I see his body and look at him stunned. How could Deku have done that? He always smiled. I'm falling to my knees. My heart wants to jump out of my chest I feel like I'm dying and hardly getting any air, how could the nerd do something like that. I want to scream but I can't  I just look at the dead lifeless body of the happy boy. He really can't have done that, he was certainly pushed down. I look at his feet and see that he is not wearing his shoes. Any hope that it wasn't my fault disappears. The police get out of the cars and talk to the director who swirls around with his hands as if he were a conductor. I don't remember what happened next. I was like in a dream.

The teacher came to us and threatened that we wouldn't say anything about what we did with Deku. We have to say that he was a sad student who always spent the time alone, even if others wanted to be friends with him. What a lie. He has one reason why he did that he was quikless and we treated him like shit. Not that he didn't deserve it.

I sit on the floor with many other students and wait until I am called in to be questioned.

Random extra police officer: Katsuki Bakugo.

Me: sigh

I get up and stand in front of the door. Should I knock? Fuck it. I open the door and go into the class. A policeman is sitting at the teacher's desk and the director is standing right behind him. He gives me a warning look. I don't let myself be intimidated and look at him just as warning and poisonous. If glances could kill, we would now both be 6 feet under the ground. The policeman doesn't notice the tension. And starts talking. He clearly is dumb.

Random extra police officer: Hello Bakugo, it's nice to meet you even if the circumstances are sad.

I roll my eyes sad is an understatement it ist terrifying. 

Random extra police officer: How were your connections with the deceased.

Me: They were fine. We were childhood friends before he died.

I feel like a dirty liar and bite my lip sadly.

Random extra police officer: Oh, I'm sorry for your loss. Did you notice anything about him?

Me: Lately, he seemed extremely saddened to me.

Random extra police officer: Indicated something else about his act. For example, did he mention it once.

The conversation makes me more and more angry the longer it gets.

Me: What do you actually want from me. There is a clear reason why he killed himself, he was useless. He was quirkless. Isn't that enough?

I get up the chair is flying backwards, what does this damn policeman want from me? I'll run out of the room. I don't want to lie anymore, it was my fault, I suggested it to him.

Aizawa POV

We searched for the child all night but couldn't find a trace. How can a child disappear so easily? He can't dissolve into thin air, can he? But in a world with quirks, everything is possible. Should the police be informed? The child is literally a danger on two legs. When all the heroes came back without finding the child, Nezu did everything in his power to find this little devil.

He makes a lot of effort and I understand why but he makes too much effort. Is that really necessary. I know that the child is very smart, but it is only a child, there are so many others we can help. He can try to help the child, but he should not try things that are almost impossible. The child doesn't want any help with that either. I'm not sure what I have to do, maybe I'll just go on my patrols now and keep an eye out for him. Nezu has extended all the patrols of heroes by a few hours anyway, he is really eager to find the boy.

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