A nice talk 40

136 10 4

All Might POV

I immediately felt guilty.

Me: He... is he your brother?

The similarity between the two boys is unmistakeable and I would be surprised if they were not siblings.

Young Midoryia: No

Nezu: Hmm?

Young Midoriya: He was my brother.

How can this boy smile? I wouldn't have been surprised if he had become a villain or shared the knowledge that I have a weakness. But the boy sat in front of me and smiled at me as if I wasn't to blame for his brother's death.

We were all silent Nezu looks at him suspiciously and curiously. It is clear that he is hiding or holding something.

Young Midoriya: It's okay All Might. You couldn't control what my brother would do, it was his decision. You just made it easier for him.

I'm ...how can it be okay?

Young Midoriya: I forgive you.

He extends his hand to me and holds an innocent smile. He forgives me, but I don't forgive myself. The air seems so stuffy. I shake his hand briefly.

Me: If you apologise.

I'm leaving the room. I will do anything to make it somehow better.

Nezu POV

The boy is still smiling but he wipes his hand with that he touched All Might on his clothes.

Me: You manipulated him, you just apologised to make him feel more guilty than he already is. You yourself didn't forgive him.

Midoriya: That's correct, I didn't forgive him.

Me: You are quite good at manipulating. So I called you here two hours ago to give you a choice.

Midoriya: That would be?

Me: Either you go in 1-A or become my personal student and only go in 1-A. Was there was a moment when you manipulated me when we talked before?

Ereaserhead: That would be something.

The boy doesn't deny it or doesn't agree. His smile only gets bigger.

Me: You just give me more reasons to be my personal student, I don't want you Togo through the school and manipulate my staff.

Midoriya: I didn't want to be in 1-A, I made that clear.

Recovery Girl: How did you make that clear.

Nezu: He wrote on the back of his sheet.,,No matter what happens, I don't want to go to the hero course."

Ereaserhead's eyebrows went up

Recovery Girl: Why don't you want to be a hero.

Midoriya: That was my brother's goal, not mine. I have a different goal in life.

Me: That would be?

I want to know what his goal is, I can't miss such an opportunity to fight with someone with such a talent.

Midoriya (whisper): Dying.

Me: Excuse me.

Midoriya: I didn't say anything.

Me: So either you become my staff student or you go in 1-A. For this purpose, you will have a check-up at recovery every month.

Midoriya: You are just giving me reason to reject  

Recovery Girl: If you become Nezu's personal student, someone will always be with you when you are with him.

Midoriya: What if I don't want.

Me: I don't give you a choice.

Aizawa: sigh  

Me: Your mother is about to be taken to a madhouse because she shows disturbing signs of severe depression. If I research more, I will certainly find more evidence to put her in a madhouse. You will end up as an orphan.

Deku POV

I looked at him silently before I got the documents about the chimera experiment out of my pocket. When I spoke to Nezu, I had to have a few hand firm evidence to make him shut up. He just took a quick look at the papers before his fur stands up and he growls at me slightly.

Ereaserhead and Recovery Girl look at each other in amazement and Ereaserhead even rubbed his eye.

Recovery Girl takes her Cane and hits him over his head.

Recovery Girl: Don't growt the child.

I smile before I start speaking.

Me: How did you feel being starped down and get experimented on. I would say by the mark on your face that they injected something into you and then tried to force a quirk development on you. So in conclusion I would say they needed to prepare your body for your quirk first maybe even cut some of your skin open and left you bleeidng or even used shock therapy in water or-

I have a gigantic smile. He looks at me shocked before the slight growl that previously became almost unrecognisably louder.

Demi: What a good idea to kill you. It's not enough that All Might feel guilty. You want to make Nezu a murderer.

Nezu literally looks like a rabid dog. Recovery Girl hits him with the cane and he looks normal again. Strange. I have to write that in my note book.

Nezu: Where did you get the information from?

Me: That's not important.

Nezu: These are power-addicted scientists who are very dangerous and do experiments. Where did you get these documents from? You could be in real danger.

I'm grinning

Me: Danger is my 2nd name.

Nezu: That's not funny. Either my personal student or 1-A student. I'll give you another choice or do you want to be an orphan?

Shit, what can I do about it without a mother? I'm sent to an orphanage without me living with her and I don't want to be reported missing.

Me: 1-A

Recovery Girl: Puh.

Nezu: You are still coming every month for a check up. I saw that you have no danger sense.

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