The letter ✉️ 17

332 18 1

Deku POV


Mickey mouse is scary, I put myself in danger. Why am I worried? Dying is not my enemy but my goal. Forget U.A. forget my resolutions to live for another four years. I was kicked out of school. I really want to complete the information for Ereaserhead. I search and find the recording.

I see him running away from the 33 robots. There were 33 too many. But he fights well and strategically and is not a complete idiot. Nevertheless, he has put himself in danger. I overestimated him. It's probably also because he was literally quirkless without a scarf and his quirk, that his quirk is useless with the robots. The robots took him quite a bit. Smoke poisoning can end badly. I'd rather turn off the alarm and open all doors and windows, I don't want to be a murderer.

I tap on my keyboard and all the doors open. At the same moment, I see Present Mic running out of class with Ereaserhead. If I had set a trap, Present Mic would have been put in without thinking.

What a mess. All students and teachers were evacuated Pro heroes had to come and Recovery Girl took care of Ereaserhead. This chaos was quite funny to watch.

I get up from the bed, take my shoes in my hand and put them in the hallway. So that I can sneak through the house barefoot.

Even if no one is at home except me, I feel like I have to sneak into this room. My mom is a single mother after my father left before I was born to work from Oversea. After that, my mom lost contact with him. He always sent her money in letters. It was clear that he didn't know anything about my existence. The letters always said how much he misses Mo... Inko and that he would like to hug her again. She always sent him answers where she told him about my existence, but the letters arrived, he never saw them. Since he only sent money and nice words, but no reapply.

I remembered a time when I sent my father pictures and always hoped for an answer.

At some point when I was 5, Inko only received a letter and no money. She started crying and her whole body trembled and she cried and cried and pulled her hair. I remember as if it were yesterday


I'm hiding behind the door and watching Mommy in the living room screaming and crying. I want to comfort her, but at the same time I'm so scared of her. I'm so afraid of her and tremble all over my body. Suddenly she stops I want to run to her and hug her but I'm like frozen.

Mommy pulls on her pretty hair.

Mommy: No, no... that's not...

Me: Mommy what ...

Mommy: That's not true, that's not true, that's not true, that's not true.

She holds a piece of paper in her hands, it's a letter from Dad. Does he know that he has a child and doesn't want me? I walk in my room and hide under my bed. What happened? Mommy is the happiest person I know, it must be bad when she screams and cries like that.

I don't know how long I was hidden there under the bed, but at some point her screams became quieter. When I heard that, I ran back into the living room where she lies on the floor and cries quietly. I run to her and give her the biggest hug there is

Mommy: Everything will be fine hony, everything will be fine.

She caresses my green hair.

Me: Do you say that to calm me or you.

She looks surprised.

Mommy: I only have something in eye. Mommy is not crying.

I ignore her words, which are 100% lies.

Me: What did Daddy write that makes you so sad.

Mommy: Daddy? ... He didn't write anything.

She starts crying very badly. What can I do? She starts to squeeze my little body firmly to herself. Maybe if I say a cute sentence she is happy.

Me: Mommy. All Might will save us all, so don't cry.

In reality, I'm not that childish anymore. All Might is not a god he can't solve every problem. But it helped she caresses me over my fluffy green and smiles.

Flashback ends

Since the day she behaved strangely. She had become sad and I didn't hear anything more about my father. That's the only reason I learned to hack to find out where my father is.

I finally found something above him:

Name: Hisashi Midoryia

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Quirk: Fire breathing 

Status: Dead

Special features of the death: It was suicidal, but his body was never found. Only his farewell letter that he sent to his wife. There are indications to suspect that it could be murder or kidnapping, since Hisashi Midoryia had no depression and reasons. Nevertheless, the fingerprints of the letter were tested and according to the results, Hisashi Midoryia wrote the letter. There are no motives for someone from his circle of acquaintances to either kill or kidnap him. So the suspicion of the police after a few months is that Hisashi Midoryia has drowned himself. This conclusion was drawn by... and... there is...

Family: Inko Midoryia (wife), Izuku Midoryia (son)

Inheritance: All property was checked by the police before, according to the will of Hisashi Midoryia, it got made available for Inko Midoryia.

When I read this information, I was very sad because I was not sad because he is dead. Nothing except for the money problems and Inko's acting has changed

I suspect that he faked his death in order to tear himself away from our family. I want to admit the suspicion, but never. Because this is the real world I am not in a comic. That's why I sneak into my father's room, which is strictly forbidden to me. Inko probably doesn't want me to confuse anything.

I look around a thick layer of dust is everywhere but that doesn't interest me, that what interests me most is the crumpled piece of paper on my father's desk.

I folded the paper and saw small traces of tears on the sheet. Under the sheet is a letter cover. This is definitely the last letter from my father. The font looks old just like the paper. I'm starting to read. It's kind of exciting to read a farewell letter. If anyone will ask me what you want to become when you grow up, I will answer. That I want to be like my father.

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