Guilt 38

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Nezu: How is the wound and I want to know exactly their current situation.

I show my bandaged hand.

Me: All Right.

Demi: Yes, you're doing great and you won't fall dead in the next minute. Your fever is too high.

Says Demi ironically

Nezu: So you've already been to a hospital or somewhere to bandage them professionally.

Nezu knows that I have bandaged them myself. His look says it all. He just wants to see if I'm going to lie or not or if I'm good at lying.

I want to lie but he knows already. If I lie I could do like I am  very bad at it, people think I'm a bad liar. And will trust me when it isn't obvious that I lie. 

Me: Yes... I had the wound... bandaged.

Nezu: You have no information that you went to a doctor or to the hospital. If you had them bandaged professionally, there would be a doctor's report.

Nezu: Do you show the wound?

I looked over at the door.

Nezu: Do you show your wound voluntarily?

Me: I have no duty.

Nezu: As students of UA, it is our duty to ensure the safety of the students. This also includes that the students are healthy.

Me: Student?

Demi: You see, I knew you could do it.

Nezu: Do you now show the wound voluntarily?

Me: I have nothing to sign that should give the duty to see my wound.

Nezu: At the beginning of the entrance exam, you signed that all wounds are getting healed from the exam by Recovery Girl.

Me: There is nothing worrying about my wound.

Nezu: Why don't you show it then.

Me: Because my hand is doing excellent.

Me: If the injury was so bad, why wouldn't I take care of it.

All teachers seem to be convinced except Hound Dog, Recovery Girl and Nezu.

Nezu: I don't know. I'm trying to find out. Why don't you take care of a bad wound?

Me: What gives you the impression that it is bad?

Nezu: I'm partly a dog. Dog feel when someone is injured, they feel even when someone is afraid.

I sighed inside. However, I hold my smile firmly on my face without the slightest change. He knows I can't do anything about it.

I remove the bandage from my hand very slowly and present a bloody hole in the hand to the teachers. The wound is badly infected. And everyone gasps when they see them. I chill lightly and hold my hand in front of my face. I can look through the hole.

Somehow I feel like I'm drunk. Even if I've never drunk before. I'm dizzy and my head is spinning. Why is everything so foggy? My eyes turn and I fall. I feel like I'm falling into a deep void or into the water. Hmm, I haven't tested drowning yet.

2 hours later


I open my eyes. I'm in  Recovery Girls office.

I hear a few voices behind the door.

Recovery Girl: The infection is bad and he will be in a small coma. In addition, he has a worrying high fever. He could be dead in a few days without treatment.

Nezu: How long do you estimate that he sleeps.

Recovery Girl: A few weeks to a month. I couldn't use my quirk because of its weak condition.

Demi: Pfff- You're doing great, the wound is probably totally healed because you finally slept. I have an idea

She whispers as if someone could hear us.

I smile badly when she says her plan.

I get out of bed and only now realise that I have an IV and a cloth with cold water on my forehead.

I'm hiding behind the door. Nezu, Recovery Girl, Ereaserhead and All Might enter. I use a stealth technique to hide my presence.

All Might: Where is he?

I jump out of my hiding place.

Ereaserhead jumps about 2 metres high. Nezu looks like a knew what I wanted to do.

Recovery Girl: Do you want to give me a heart attack?

All Might spits blood with amazement and turns into its skeleton shape.

I'm not surprised and smile.

Nezu: You don't seem surprised that All Might has a skeleton shape.

Me: You're not surprised either.

Nezu: Why should I be surprised about something I already know?

Me: Same

All Might: You know it

Me: You turned in your shape on a roof in front of a camera.

Nezu: Does anyone else know.

Me: No, I blackmailed the security guy.

Ereaserhead: So now the UA Staff, a few from the Hero Commission, a few who are close to you, Tsukauchi, the quirkless boy and him?

All Might: Yes.

Nezu: That's far too many people.

Me: Good news. Nezu you don't count among people because you are a chimaera and the quirkless boy is dead.

Recovery Girl: What?

All Might: How did that happen?

Me: You left him bloody on a roof and you ask how it happened?

Recovery Girl: You did that?!

Nezu: Could you tell the story.

Recovery Girl: But sit down, you're hurt.

Me: So the boy was attacked by a villain. All Might beat the villain with him.

Ereaserhead: My respect is as low as my popularity.

Me: The boy was powerless full of blood and you slapped him awake. He stumbled and clung to your foot. You told him to let go. When you were in the air with him. You landed on a roof with him and told him that no hero can be without a quirk. Than, you left him bloody on the roof.

Recovery Girl: Did he bled out?

Me: No, he jumped.

Everyone is looking at me. All might conscience plagues him. Should I add that he was called Deku to cause more problems. No, I have a better idea. 

Me: Me fun fact his name was Izuku Midoryia.

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