CHAPTER 1: He was not so bad after all...

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(PS: You know how to speak German due to your family line )

You sighed as you stepped into the classroom. An intense laughter was heard and it was the laughter of Alfred teasing Arthur. "Veeh, (y/n) good morning!" Feliciano suddenly came to hug you. Ludwig, along with Kiku behind him smiled at you. They were your best friends. "Guten morgen _____" Ludwig greeted you. "Guten tag freund" you replied. "Good morning _____-san" Kiku said politely. "Hmm, morning to you too Kiku". You took your seat which was next to one of the members of the Bad Touch Trio; the playboy of the school, Gilbert Beilschmidt, Ludwig's older brother.

Don't be fooled, he may be a lively guy but he was not in good terms with you. All he knew was his "awesomeness" and you were starting to get sick of it. Seriously, like... who would praise themselves? Scratch that, he's Gilbert after all. "Good morning señorita _____" Antonio, a member of the BTT, suddenly greeted you with a wide smile. "Bonjour Miss _____" the blond haired French greeted you. "It's never 'good' for an unawesome person like her" Gilbert interfered their chat.

"Halt den Mund, dummkopf (shut up fool)! By the way... unawesome isn't a word!" you replied in an annoying tone, your (e/c) glaring sharply at him. "Was (what)? Hey! I'm not zat stupid and vho cares, it's mean vord!" he snarled back and there goes your usual fight. "Zere zhey go again *sigh*" Ludwig tried to stop the fight. "Hey you guys please stop zis!" he warned the two of you. Gilbert and you finally stopped "Idiot!" you two said at the same time, turning to face different directions and finally sat down. That was what would happen when you two met, there'd always be a fight."Hahaha! Nice fight, as usual!" Alfred also came, making it worse. "SHUT UP!" the two of you shouted in unison. The hamburger lover just smiled sheepishly. The class went silent as the teacher stepped into the class.

-After a few minutes-

Everyone was focusing on the lesson but as you leered beside you saw Gilbert falling asleep. You shook your head, annoyed with his nonchalant-self. "Hey! Don't sleep in my class" the teacher said tapping on his table, making him awakened in surprise. You smirked at his shocked expression."I'm sorry zeacher" he said yawning. The teacher frowned before he turned and stepped towards the blackboard. "Here take this" you whispered as you handed him a mint candy with a smile.

"Danke" he slowly accepted it, his cheeks tinted a blush. He replied with a smile; a pure, bright smile. It was the first time you saw him smile. Your heart was beating fast but your mind told you to stop that.Even if you didn't have a close relationship, there was a small feeling embedded in your heart. When you didn't fight with him your world would be too quiet and it'd feel lonely. He maybe was annoying and offensive, but he still had his own charm and attractiveness, right? Okay... you finally admitted this.


 The classes started to get noisy again. All of your classmates had already headed to the cafeteria. You decided to take a nap since you didn't get a proper sleep last night. You had already told your three best friends. And there you go sleeping using your hands as a pillow. "Kesesese, you zon't have enough money to buy food, huh (y/n)?" a familiar laugh was heard in front of you. You looked up and your (e/c) met with his crimson ones. "*sigh* what do you want?" you replied nonchalantly.

the "Vhat's vith zhat reply? I didn't see you at ze cafeteria so ze kind, awesome me came here to give you zis" he handed you a packaged sandwich. *piyo* *piyo* The sound of a bird chirping distracted you. You turned towards the direction of the sound and saw a little, yellowish bird perching on the window frame next to Gilbert's table. It started flying around you and stopped on his head. You giggled."Hey zhere mein little freund!" Gilbert gently stroked the bird's little head and the bird started chirping again. "Ha ha are you hungry?" 'He knows how to talk with the bird?' you thought as you started to open the sandwich package and pinched a piece of bread and showed it towards the bird. Gilbert picked the bird using his finger and put it in front of you. The bird started to eat from your hand.

"Niedlich (cute)!" you said with a smile. "Weird" Gilbert said."What?""Gilbird vasn't in good terms vith zhe other people" he explained. "Gilbird is it's name?" you asked. Again... He has no naming sense after all. "Hmm, thanks for this" you showed him the sandwich. "Gern geschehen! Und danke for earlier." he replied grinning and again your heart started beating faster.This was the first time you had a normal conversation with him without fighting.Maybe he was not so bad after all...

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