Well thanks Gil...

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Footsteps were heard from outside of the, class Antonio and Francis comes in a confuse face. "am I mistaken for they were laughing TOGETHER?" Antonio ask to Francis. "is it the end of the world?" Francis reply, . "hey guys!" Gilbert greeted them. "am I dreaming?" Francis ask him dramatically putting his hand on his forehead. "nein you're not zreaming, today ve make a MOU (memorandum of understanding)" he said grinning.

 "its good zhen", Ludwig suddenly comes in with smile. "next zime make sure i zo not hear you guys quarrel again," he added. " ve vill, bruder" Gilbert answered putting his hand on your shoulder, you were really close with him, you can even smelled his vanilla scent. it was a pleasant smell 'oh God what are you thinking?'

Your face blushing madly, " get off of me," you said shoving him away, " aww, come on, vere a good freund right?" Gilbert pout. *BELL RING* The classes start again the Francis, Antonio, Ludwig, and Feliciano keeps on staring at you guys. Well who could accept the fact that the two mortal enemy finally reconcile in a minute?

As you walked on the path towards your home you were blocked by a few man in black coat not a few actually, "verdammt!, hey! get off of my way, what the hell do you guys want?!" you start to lose your temper when your every move were blocked by them. Out of a blue , one of them started to dragged you toward a black car next to the road. You threw a punch for the guys. 

"Scheiße! That's it! I had enough about this kidnaping games, so you guys want my dad money huh? Alright no prob!" you said giving them another punch on the stomach.(Writer explanation : actually you are the daughter of a millionaire which know many kind of martial art guess you can say they're unlucky.)

" Hey! Frau are you having ze fun alone, need help?" Gilbert suddenly appears from nowhere asking if he could give a hand. "von couse,(of course) I need to finish this up so I can go home and get a proper sleep?", "alrightie...gotcha!" he throw a punch on a guy behind you. "Danke! Gil" you said. " velcome," a few second passed with a sound of punching and a pain screamed by those black coat guys " Gilbert awesome flying kick!" Gilbert gave a last blow sending the guys flying away. You also give a last punch to the last guy until he collapse."Alle Finish!" he said clapping his hand. 

"Hey Gil!", you said looking up at him since he was taller than you. " was?" he asked, on that time he was accompanying you on the way back to your home, you already tried to decline it but it didn't work. " vhat if somezhing happen zo you?" his concerned word earlier make you change your mind. "Seriously ,You need to teach me that  kick," you continued. "sure of course ,madam," he give a smirk. " That's my house, thank for accompanying me Gil," you said to him when you arrived in front of your house.

" (y/n)! you're late, and who is that? Your friend, I've never seen him before?" you were greeted by your father, He approached you and examining Gilbert up until down, " You are kind off weird, are you from here?" your father asked him. "dad?" you said interjecting him. "vell nice to meet you (y/n) fazher, und you're right, I'm not from hier und also vhy you said I vas veird I zon't see somezhing strange on me", he reply reaching his hand to shake hand with your father. " I do know that accent, and I'm sorry for calling you weird, but It didn't seem like those white hair and your crimson eyes were dyed or you put a contact on them, or perhaps I'm wrong," your father explain. " No sir you are right it was genuine ,it can be helped since its runs in my blood." Gilbert reply. 'since when he become this polite guy' you thought to yourselves. "could it be, you're an albino?"

Albino? You've heard that before Most people with albinism appear white or very pale and his/her eyes of an albinistic person appear red, pink or purple due lack of pigment in the eyes also results in problems with vision. That's explain why he sometimes wear a spectacles in class. Maybe father was right.

"Indeed you're right sir, I am" he reply giving your father a smile. "honey, are you back what are you doing outside come inside." Your mother interrupt the conversation. " ohh, is that your friend why don't you come in, I'll make you some drinks," she invited Gil inside. "I zon't zhink so..." he was hesitate at first. " come inside we can continued our conversation again," your father invited him. Gilbert sent you a -can-I?-gaze and you reply with a nod. " Okay zhen," he agreed.

And there he go, sitting on your couch chatting with your parents, it seems like your mother fall for his attractive appearance , well you didn't like to deny it but well it was the truth, muscular body, good looks, popularity, amazing family line, friends, smarts, athletics, name it all...he had it. 'Come on (y/n) what are you talking about?' you mentally slap your own ridiculous mind.

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