New start

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After Matthias left, you continued your works. A ring of the office phone on your table made you stopped. When you pick it up ,grim voice of Gilbert greeted on the next line. "(name) please come to my office now," simple but yet a deep meaning. You hanged up the phone then took a deep breath to calm yourself. Yes, he must want to tell you about the night of that graduation day. Heaving out a big sigh you walked to his office. He sat there, his face serious, but when he saw you entered, his face brighten up.

"What is it Mr. Beilschmidt?" but your answer changed his facial expression. From his face you knew, he didn't like the way you called him. "Gefallen, take a seat," he signalled you to take the seat on the chair opposite of him.

You sat down and stared at him, hiding every emotion from your face. He sighed half-heartedly. "I need to explain a lot of things to you (name). You deserve explanation. I zon't have enough time on zhat time," he soften his voice tone.

"What you mean is excuse? Let bygones be bygones. I'm here as a professional. Please don't mixed our job together with our UNimportant past," you replied sarcastically saying Unimportant more harshly so that it will give him a pang of guilt. And it did. His face turned more solemn. He lost his next words. It gave you satisfaction actually. It his turn to feel hurt. You wanted him to know that he no longer affected you.

"Now, if that's all I need to get back to my work," without waiting for his reply, you stood up from the seat and started to walk back to your room. But half the way, he called you. "(name)...please..." before he could continue you stopped him. "Please, Mr. Beilschmidt, I'm here for works. We no longer have anything to do with each other...other than you're my boss. Don't make this hard for me. We have our own path for life now. Let's just be professional and forget the past," your words stopped him from saying other thing.

From your glance, you saw he lowered down his head with a small sighed. His eyes looked hurt.


Yes, that was the right thing. I've done the right thing. I'm just here for works. No more, no less. But the way he called me...the way his crimson eyes met mine, it was so nostalgic. Oh god, I don't know how much I missed his voice.

He's matured, there's no deep german accent anymore, no bright signature grin, no boisterous voice.

When I saw him looking down and hurting like that, I couldn't help but want to comfort him. Why? Why can't I hate him? What's wrong with me?!


She had change. She's more beautiful now, mature and know how to hide her feeling vell. At least, I got to see her nearly everyday. How I missed her, her voice, her smile. I wished I could turn back the time. I wished that fateful night never ends. I always regretted that night. Damnit...

I guess everything's gone then. There's no more lingering feeling for me inside her heart

A/N: I'm sorry for changing the accent...I seemed to have a hard time writing it because of that😅 so...🙏

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