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He was in your house invited by your parents and having fun chatting with them,

You were in the kitchen making some food with your mother and your maid, your dad even invited him for a dinner and he has no reason to decline it, "Is he's someone special?" your mom asked you. You furrowed your eyebrow in confusion. "what? Mom!~ no, he was Ludwig older brother,".
" Aww,, your friends with those gorgeous blond hair and beautiful blue eyes, isn't the siblings a hottie? The browned hair guys also cute, oh and the Asian guys also cute......" she added ,your maid nodded, agreeing with your mom's fangirling " oh God, mom please stop it already,"

" ok, I stop, could you please put the dish on the dining table, dear?" your mother said showing the direction towards the dish on the table near you. "*sighed* fine," you carefully picked the dishes and walks toward the dining table. You saw Gilbert talking with your father, when he realizes you were watching he send you {sit-here-with-me-please} stare. You reply with lifting your eyebrow. Again he send you " a puppy eyes" and make you walk towards him, Gilbird start to fly around you. "Gilbird!?, where are you from?"

"he vas wiz me all zis zime" Gilbert reply patting he empty couch beside him as a signal for you to sit there. You give him a him a devilish smile, and walk and sit next to your father, making him slightly frown. Your dad chuckled " why don't you seat next to him?, he must be frustrated, beside this seat was for your mother."
"Dad!?" you started to rebel less satisfied with your dad instruction. He gave you a serious face.
"fine!," you began to move to Gilbert side. "*smirk*, awww.. so sweet, you miss me already?" he gave you a wink and flinched as you give him a pinch in the arm. "hey! Zhat's hurt", he said. " revenge",
"You two just look like a newlywed couple, just like I and your mother before bla,blah...." Your dad started speak nonsense about his past. You face palm and shook your head and turn toward Gilbert shrugged his shoulders with a smile "now I understand why you ask me to sit here",
" what are you talking about, honey?" your mother came out from kitchen. "nothing , I'm just telling them a story about our past," "Aww, don't tell that its must be embarrassing, owh and by the way what's your name handsome?" your mother turn towards Gilbert direction. "ohh, you're right I forgot to ask his name," your dad interrupt.

"Dad, you're talking to him like you use to know him for a years and you didn't even know or mind to ask his name?, oh God! Again you face palm yourselves Gilbert placing his arm around your shoulder to calm you down as the result your body immediately drive toward his muscular chest.

You can feel a heat crept into your face. "zhere, zhere, calm down ____________" he gently stroke your left shoulder and said some soothing word to calm you from your anger. " don't go taking advantage with my condition," you whisper to him " kesesesese" he reply with his typical laugh."oh so sweet..., and what's your name again?" you mother ask again. '' Oh right, mein name is Gilbert, Gilbert Beilschmidt.". 

" oh Gilbert I'll call you Gil. By the way, the dinner is ready let's go and eat something," your mother start to move toward kitchen followed by your dad. "Do that again and you'll be crying Gil," you send him a deathly glare, " ok! I von't, " he gave you a salute grinning all the way.

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