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Dedicated for bandit72654 for giving me the answer!

You were greeted by a guy in neat coat. He smiled gently and introduce himself as Henri. After a few conversation, he showed you around the office and he also introduce you to the staffs. At that time the two of you were walking toward your new boss office ,when suddenly the door burst open, a blonde haired woman comes out crying, while cursing something about useless man or something... you heard a sigh beside you, it was from Henri.

"There we go again..." he said.

"So the rumor about the playboy boss are true?" you said, entering the office with him. The boss were sitting on his chair but backward and you can't see his face.


"Tch...she's damn boring one" the man soon to be my boss said mostly in his annoyed voice, I swear I know that voice it was—"So is my new secretary here yet?" he have a deep familiar voice? No way it can't be. He turned his chair toward my direction and I was right...

"(name)!" "Gilbert!" he shouted my name at the same time as me. "That's it I quit!" you tried to walk away but he immediately get up from his seat then blocked your way. "Wait!, wait! (name) don't quit please," he said blocking the door. "Get the hell out of my way" I said. "Nein, please..." he said again still not moving, he seriously trying to test my patience. I threw a punch on his stomach and he stumbled a few steps backward, holding his aching stomach. "Don't you dare to pissed me off you liar..." you said gritting your teeth and walked away. Tears started to form waiting time to burst out.


A tall man in grey formal suit was walking with a few men behind him. He had a shoulder length blonde hair. You run straight and suddenly bumped with him since he was strong build he nearly sent you flying but luckily the man held you with his strong arm.

"Are you okay dear?" the man said with a really gentle but strict voice. Still the word he used earlier earn your attention. You look up at the man. He has pair of a dark icy cold blue eyes, and he was smiling gently. He maybe was in his late 40. But the most important is he look exactly like Ludwig.

"L-ludwig?" you stuttered. The man chuckled slightly. Now you know it he wasn't Ludwig since Ludwig rarely smile, and his eye color are not the same as him. "Unfortunately I'm not Ludwig dear...i-" he was about to continue before Gilbert came running while calling your name.

"______! Eh.. Vatti? Vhat are you doing here?" Gilbert said stopping his step. So this man was his father? The man slowly wipe your tears away.

"Was hast du getan diese Zeit? (what have you done this time?)" his father ask him with strict voice. You sneaked behind his father.

"Vatti she's mein freunde" Gilbert said.

"No you're not my friend anymore, you lied to me!" you said running away from the office you went straight for your car and drive away You can feel your hands trembling, as you drive your want to let go. All of everything...oh it was so confusing, so overwhelming! How?! Why?! Your head is full of thoughts .Your heart was throbbing, you doesn't even know your own feeling. You were relieved to see him again but your heart won't forget what he had done to you before.

You arrived home, your mom notice this. "______! Why are you so early?" she said looking at you with worried face.

"I've quit mom...its too much work there..." you lied and went straight toward your bedroom. You closed the door and locked it.

You couldn't even take even one step, your legs is trembling and your heart ache really badly, its hurt so much. You slowly crumbled against the wall, choking all the emotion inside your heart that you've been keeping all this years. Its takes a few hour for you to calm down. You quickly change your clothes and went down for lunch even though you're not hungry.

"(name) dear...are you alright? You looked terrible..." your mother said when you finally stepping out from your room. "I'm fine mother...don't worry.." you said slowly faking a smile.

A/N: I've always in love with Germania

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A/N: I've always in love with Germania....*twinkling eyes* why not? He's a father in law....LOL... <3

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