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I turn around seeing her pair of teary (e/c) gazing back at me, with sorrowful gazed, her slow sobs, can be heard, its stabs mein heart, and feels like its gonna break. I gently tug her into mein arm. "Vhy are you crying,(name)" I said brushing the tears in her cheeks avays. She vas blushing madly.

"You know... *sobs* I still have both of my parents, and I really grateful for it, but seeing you that still keep on smiling even though you have a sad past. Its really touching." She said hugging me back. I smiled vith her comment. "You're strong Gil..."

Strong? Zhat was understatement. I'm not. I once vere veak, but I decided to be strong for mein kleiner bruder. I never zhought I vould tell zis story to someone else, I feels a little bit relieved actually. Zhats person vas (name), but I never intend to make her cry, it vas beyond my control. I zon't vanted to see her crying again, never!

Zis date might be ze most awesome date ever.


The maid comes in with a tray of (juice). She looks guilty when she saw she was interrupting something?... she quickly put the tray on a small table near, slightly bows down a little. Gilbert slowly nodded and the maid goes away without you realizing it.

"At least I still have Vatti und mein bruder, its true zhat Mutti left us, but its ze fate, ve can't escaped from it right?" he slowly patted your back. You nodded agree with his word.

"Gil" you said trying to stop your sobbing

"vhat?'" he turn his gaze toward you.

"Promise me one thing, can you?" you asked him.

"What? Promise?"

"versprechen Sie mir, Sie würden mich nicht allein(promise me you won't left me alone.)" you said to him but he keep silent. His face looked conflicted.

"I vill alvays be vith you don't vorry (name)"he said slowly.

"Pinky promise?" you ask him you showed your pinkie finger in front of him. He sighed "Look the juice have arrived let's take a break ,I'm zhirsty.." he tried to change the topic..

"Gil~?" you whined in frustration.He stop than stare at your face.... Then after a few second or actually nearly a minute,

"fine!" he than accept your pinky promise, slowly but enough to make you smile again.

Its been a normal day on the college, but your life change since he came barging into it, you always think he was sort of arrogant, noisy bastard, but he indeed a really caring, and awesome person.

You were at the cafeteria with, THE BTT, Francis, Antonio, Gilbert, Ludwig, Feleciano and Kiku, when suddenly Arthur make an announcement for the Graduation ceremony, that will be held in another next 5 days.

"Ahem.." he clear his throat. "Our school will have a Graduation Ceremony in the next 5 day, everyone was invited, the theme for the ceremony was Fairytale theme, wear anything you guys thinks appropriate with the theme, it will be held at the school compound. That's all thank you." He said that with a really cold voice.

"AWESOME!, Fairytale zheme huh?, I already have ze costume!" Gilbert saying in his loud voice. "it's not just you amigos, we have it already." Toni reply in his cheery voice and all of you nodded in agree.

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