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Seriously I know I'm sucks at writing story, I'm truly sorry for it and plus I didn't even make any notes for this story and I cause a lot of confusion for me. Forgive me *sobs*, *sobs*. ~'-'~

Gilbert; "come 'on, calm down"

Me : ok, just continue your reading thanks for it....*sobs*

Hetalia was created by Hidekaz himaruya sensei (Himapapa) not me....


After half an hour eating with your parent and a little chat he asked permission to go home. So you was ordered by your parent to accompany him until the front gate.

"Vell actually, you zindn't need to escort zhe awesome me, I can go by myself." He said arrogantly, but you knew he just don't want to troubling you. He just like that, he make sure that everyone will misunderstand his kindness. " Nah.., its okay, beside the awesome person need to be escort right?" you sarcastically said to him with a smile.

Out of the blue you received a warm kiss from Gilbert ,right on your lips, it take you a few second to churned the situation but as soon as he broke the kiss he run away, "Gil! you idiot!!" you yelled his name but he just go away waving goodbye and of course his loud signature laugh "kesesesese!, gute nacht (y/n) sweet zream, see ya!" he said before his figure disappeared in the darkness.

You slowly put your index finger on your lip, which now slowly form a smile. "stupid, that was my first kiss," you whispered slowly. You walk back to your room and get a bath, After that you fall asleep and drift to the dream world.

The next day

You walk toward your class with rather troubled face or angry face. As soon as you reach the class you send a glare toward Gilbert which eventually snucked behind Ludwig as soon as he realized your deathly glare. " Hey bruder, get off of me!" Ludwig snarled tried to get his older brother from him.

"kommen hierher(come here) awesome Gilbert" you said to him.


'zhose dark aura ,mein got!, she's gonna kill me, should I run away?...no, I can't run its gonna be worse.' I slowly take a step towards her. When I arrived right in front of her he throw me a punch right on my stomach. "oww, _, vhat's zhat for?!" I asked her enduring the pain. " what was last night for?" she asked me back. " zhat's just a kiss, vhat's zhe big deal about it?".


'What's the big deal he said?' I thought to myself. "what?" I asked him back. "I said vhat's zhe big deal about it, Feleciano also hugs you, but you zidn't mind it", he reply. "its different he's my friend!" I protested him. "zhen vho am I !?" he reply with a cold voice its merely like he's hurt by my word.

" I'm sorry, Gil, you're my friend too, but I just....*sigh*" I have no word to say anymore, its just his behavior just slowly making me fall for him, even last night I dreamt of him, its weird right?He was hoping me to become his friend but I has a feeling for him, I just don't want to be a selfish person.


"You just vhat?, don't tell me zhat vas your first!?" Gilbert look at you. Your face blush madly. The class started to turn their attention towards the two of you, even Ludwig has a shocked expression on his face, it seemed like Gilbert were too loud. Gilbert notice this and look around the class. "zon't mind us, do your own vork!" the class started to calm back."so?" he asked you again. You slowly nod. "no way!really? i mean....really!!" he ask you like he didn't believe it. "let me take responsibility for it", Gilbert reply. "how you gonna do that" you ask him half of you just wanted to laugh, the awesome Gilbert wants to be a responsible person?


She just nodded zhat's mean zhat I vas zhe first one, but no way, I mean she vas very wunderschön(beautiful),ja I admit it she vas a beauty, being the first man to kiss her, should I be proud of it?, vell I vas zhe first right? " let me take responsibility for it." Vhat zhe hell I'm talking about, I've kiss many girl, 'ja zhat's right, but she's different I love her.' 'ahh!, stop it its making me confuse.


*take a deep breath* " let me be your Boyfriend" Gilbert says the most unexpected word for a playboy like him, he never said that word before and never think he would said it. Oh wait he didn't even think at all!

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