Your choice

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Well after a little chaos has been solved the bell rings for the break. As soon as the teacher were out of the class Francis and Antonio rush to Gilbert. "Amigo ¿estás bien, what's wrong with you?" Antonio ask Gil with concern or more correct a confuse face. "Keine Sorge, es geht mir gut,(don't worry I'm fine)" he said calmly. "Pas du tout! Why are you declining it?!" Francis shaking Gilbert shoulder. " I've said zhat already,I'm busy! Besides I have a date vith (name) right?" he turn toward you with his usual grin. " what!?" Francis, Antonio, and you shout in the same rhythm. " ahh! Man~ I'm hungry, guys wanna grab some food?" he changed the topic. Standing up and walking away.

"Gil! Wait what are you saying!" you run towards him but he eventually fastened his pace. "Gil! Slow down!" finally you reach his sleeved and tuck it gently. "vhy are you following me?" he ask turning back. "ugh! I'm not following you! What are you saying to them, what date?"

"ahh~ zhat one?, nah, its just a normal day out between friends, Ludwig vill came too," he said scratching his neck awkwardly before starting to continued his pace towards the cafeteria but this time he slowed it, so that you can keep with his fast pace. You smile slightly at his caring antics.

"Gil, where's Gilbird?" you ask him when you notice the little cute bird wasn't on his shoulder like it used to be. You kinda missed the little troublemaker. "Maybe on zhe school rooftop, he loves being zhere," he reply. On that time the two of you already at the cafeteria. He pulled out a chair for you, "vhat you vant to eat?"

"alles, was essbar war (anything that was edible)" you reply sitting on the chair that he pulled. "of course it vas edible I vould never vant to kill you" he reply with his grin, and off to buy some food. A few minutes after that he came with two packet of sandwich and a juice. "danke," you said, as he gave a packet of sandwich and the juice for you.

"How about your drink?" you asked him as there's only one juice. He shook his head. "So, when was the date?" you ask again. "You vill come?!" he said smacking the table again gaining everyone attention in the cafeteria. He looks around. "Can you guys just mind yourselves!" everyone went back to what they're doing. So much for being loud-mouth.

"Can you stop making everyone turn towards us, like I was guilty" you said to him with slow voice. "Ok I'm sorry, und about zhe date are you really going to come?" he ask you again with those pair of sparkling crimson eyes. "Yup, if you don't mind about it. Wait you said it was just a normal friend's day out!?" you reply while taking a bite of the sandwich. "Y-yeah...I mean our day out, and of course I zidn't mind it," he nodded.

"so when is the so called day out?" you ask him taking a sip of your juice." I *munch* *munch* munch*munch*" he said while munching. "Gil you know what, just now you're like that idiot Alfred eating his hamburger" you showed the direction toward Alfred which is eating his favorite hamburger while talking to Arthur, it seemed like Arthur was cursing something.

*swallowed* "sorry, it vas zhis Saturday, 9.00 in zhe morning." He reply and suddenly takes a sip of your juice which makes you stunned by his action. "Hey! that's mine!" he raised his eyebrow. "Oh, come on... I just take a sip, don't be stingy," tired with his reasoning, you just reply with a sigh. "location?" you ask him again. "I'll pick you at your house," you nodded.

"Which one?" you said looking at him." Huh?" he look confuse with your question, "Which car?" you ask him again. Who didn't know him, he changed cars like he change his shirt. " Vell which one do you like?" he asked you back, " why you asked me, it was your car right? But it better be an awesome car," he laughed.

"Yeah, ok, so it was my choice?" Gilbert look at you with a smirk on his face. You nodded again.

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