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"let me be your BOYFRIEND" he said calmly. "WHAT?!" You rises your voice. "its can be help right?, its not like ve can do anyzhing else, beside I zon't vant to get beaten by you everyday just because of usual kiss"


'How can he said that calmly?' "there's is another way. You don't need to force yourselves" I said to him enduring the aching pain in my heart. 'I know it he's never and ever see me like the girlS he always flirting with' "und vhat's vas zhat?" he ask back." Just forget about those kiss and continued our life like we usually do, and don't worry you won't get beaten by me again, just don't ever try to said it again, zu verstehen?(understand?) " you explain it to him.


"Ich verstehe, Ma'am, but you really zon't care about it?" Gilbert said with rather pain expression on his face. "Yes," you turn to leave for your seat. " wait! (name)", as soon as he tries to stop you the teacher comes in, "Gilbert Beilschemidt please take seat at your place" the teacher has arrived giving Gilbert a direction to sit on his seat. He nodded an d followed the instructions.

"Class for next two weeks the school will held a graduation program for you guys, so we will vote of the person who will be in charge and responsible for the farewell party, anyone has suggestion?" teacher ask the class, your classmate start to murmur and whisper. You turn toward Gilbert he seemed really depressed and there's some guilty on his face.

Suddenly Francis raised his hand as a response toward the teacher question. "I vote Gilbert, teacher!" he voices his opinion, even though he was annoying, but the class were kind of in good term of him so everyone started to nodded in agree. You realizes that Gilbert turn toward Ludwig which his table were behind you with guilty face. Ludwig shook his head, Its Gilbert turn to stand up, "Sir, I'm sorry but I can't," his word make everyone turns toward him in surprise face. Even you were shocked with his answer. He never rejected a great opportunity to shine. Never!

"Why was that?" the teacher ask him."vell, ya'know, zhe awesome me, vas really busy, vith zhe sport und I also had zhe music band practice to do, so I zon't zhink I can do zhat", he answered.


'Its must be something wrong with his head, he never decline such an opportunity, NEVER and now he's declining it? But he's somehow really different its most likely, he was hiding something from you, and maybe the class.


'Mein head feels like its going to explode, I felt really guilty, to Antonio, Francis, everyone especially (name), I can keep zhis secret forever, I have to decline it, I really vant an awesome memories before I gotta go but, I guess bruder vas right, I vas too busy vith my participation, und I also need some time to improve my relationship vith (name) she's not bad as I alvays zhink she is, she's kind of cute vhen she blush, her family vas great too, I zhought she hated me but I vas vrong.' I know zhis feeling vas more zhan freunde, I've fall in love vith her, zhat night I vas really captivated by her smile its really beautiful, its just like zhe angel's smile bright und pure, I can help it so I end up kissing her.

But I need to move to Germany back, after the graduation, actually the night of graduation days, zhat's vhy I tried to participate in many zhings on zhat night. I just vant to keep zhis memories, my memories vith all of my freunde, vith (name) forever...just in case I'll never see zhem again.


"Fine, if that's what you want, so anybody have another suggestion?" he ask again, "sir! Arthur can do that!" Alfred get up voicing his opinion with those high pitch voice. "what the bloody hell you're suggesting ,you hamburger freaks!" Arthur stand up when he hears his name were suggested by his enemy. "ahemm," the teachers clear his throat, "please calm down Kirkland. Anybody has any other suggestion?" the class keep silence. "So Arthur Kirkland you will you will be in charge for the graduation party," Arthur nodded slowly...

ME::; woah, I'm doom!... I don't know what to do now, I have no all *putting spectacles down while scratching my hair*..... I don't want to make many chapters on this fanfics but I'm ended extending the stories maybe 5 more chapters or something like that

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