The sweet smile

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He was listening to his father blabbing things about his attitude, for changing women and even secretary. He felt like he wants to jump out from his seat and find you but he unfortunately, under his father's penetrating glare, he couldn't.

"Vatti please...~ you've been blabbering like what? 30 minutes straight!" he finally said.

"I'm telling you the truth...she was mein just something happened.." he added

"I zon't care Gil! I vants you to change your attitude! You're mein son, soon to be the CEO of this company! Vith your attitude, you'll ruin mein company!" Gerhart said with a harsh tone which slightly made Gilbert flinched.

"Okay, okay, I will! Only vith one condition! I want her to be mein secretary I don't want any other girl," he replied back bravely looking back at his father strict face.

"Okay...just promise me you vill change your attitude. " Gerhart let out a sigh. "or else you know vhat's I'm going to do" the older one said again. Gilbert nodded furiously. "I swear on Old fritz name!" he said in reply. Gerhart shook his head well...there's nothing he can do to changed his son but maybe you will be able too...


Gerhart arrived at your gate. He had a few conversation with your Father, while your mother was listening. Its not so long until you heard your name was being called. Your father comes at you "Don't disappoint me sweetheart, he's my best friend." He said slowly patting your shoulder your mother looked at you with reassuring face.

You walks slowly toward Gerhart and took the seat opposite of his. "I'm truly sorry for the incident zhis morning," he said with a smile. You listened silently looking at him. " I don't know vhat Gilbert did before, but I really need your help to turn him back into a good leader. No one else could do this, i trust it's only you," he said.

"But...I..." you don't know how you want to explain it to him."Please, I know he vas a jerk sometimes but he's kind inside.. und I'm sure you know zhat vell" he said.Even his father said that he was a jerk? "I don't know...I kinda despised him... after what he did to me" you said murmuring the last words.

Gerhart looks back at you with concerned face. It's quite funny how he really resembled Ludwig. "If I tell you one zhing zhen please reconsider zhis matter again." He speaks up, his dark blue enticing blue orb gazed at you. You tilted your head in confusion. " What do you mean?" you asked back.

"Gilbert never intended to leave you on zhat day..." The older man started to spoke with a serious tone. You look at him slightly raising your eyebrow.

"Heh..never intended so...I know him..he still a jerk and always be," you murmured slowly.

Sighing, he replied. " He vill tell you one day, vhen he vas ready. But for now please reconsider to vork as his secretary. I trust you, only you can change him." The older man said with serious tone. You sigh. Well your father must be disappointed if you reject the offer, they're friend after all. Maybe you need to accept this, you have to put away all those past and move on. You need to be mature.

"Fine..i'll accept it.." you sigh again and look up to see dark blue orbs staring back at you. Gerhart broke a smile, a small smile but really.. it could melt all women heart. Is this man really Gilbert's father? They're different.. he was more gentle and his smile...aww...its so sweet. Again you slapped your imagination. You need to stop fangirling.

"Okay then...can you come to the office tomorrow?" he beamed. You replied with a nod. You realize one thing that just make you like him. He resembled Ludwig. A lot. But his smile was so sweet.

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