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"mein got gil! This is so beautiful!" you said in awe, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of you.

In front of you, there a field full with myriad of flowers, many kind of it, but mostly of it were Robur and Centaurea . There's your favorite flower too, (flower name). Its really beautiful,. "Where did you found this place?" you look up to see his face. " Mein vatti buy it, und ze flower vas planted by, ze awesome me, Vatti and Luddy too." He said with a tinted of smile on his paled face.

"Really?" you said. This guy sometimes cannot be trusted. "I'm telling you ze truth (name), he reply "No...*chuckled* I'm just thinking how actually you planted it..." you let out a lough. "vhats wrong?" he asked. "Nothing, you must look cute on that time" again you let out a lough. "Von, couse" he reply. " Look! Gil isn't that a rabbit?" you showed the direction toward a few white rabbit, hopping around the field freely.

"Hmm," he reply with a humming, nodding his head. "Are they're tamed?' he replied with a nodded again. You look at him with bored expression, he smiled than lift his eyebrow. You start to move towards the field running, straight towards the rabbit, the implication, all the rabbit ran away scared with your sudden move.


Mein mind feels in ease vhenever she vas zhere, she ask me twice and I only reply vith ze nodded, she zhen look straight at me vith bored face, more likely 'vhat ze heck' face. Her expression make me smile, evenzhough I understand it, I lift mein eyebrow pretending I zidn't. Out of ze blue she stand up zhen, vent running towards ze field, her action seemed to scared all ze rabbit as zhey ran away. The awesome me broke into a smile again. So I followed her toward ze field. Lucky for me today's veather isn't too hot. As an albino like me its really hard to get under the hot sun.

" GIL! Look here I caught one!" she showed me a medium size vhite fur rabbit vhich is in her hand. I slowly shook mein head, poor rabbit..."(name) put it down" I take ze rabbit from her hand und put it down on ze grass. "Gil, the rabbit just look like you." She said to me. Indeed she vas right ze rabbit has vhite furred, vith a pair of shiny, crimson eye like me. "Gilbbit!" suddenly she said it loudly. "v-vas?(actually 'was' but I change it" I stuttered with her sudden behavior.

"if you named Gilbird by your name than, same as this rabbit 'Gil-bbit'" she said to me smiling. "You miss one word though..." I replied. "Eh?!, what word?"

"AWESOME GILBBIT!" und ze two of us burst into loud laugh. "but (name), zhere's a lot of rabbit like zis" I ask her back. "Nein, its not ze same, look there's a little black spot on its leg." She showed me. She's right zhere is a small black spot on it even I zidn't realize it. " I nodded agreeing with her.


"Actually, zhere's a house near hier, und also a sea." Gilbert said staring at your face. "come, I'll show you," without waiting for your answer he pull your hand and start to walk. You gently tugged his sleeved, he turn back towards you not bothering to let go of your hand. "is it fine with you?"

"Fine, vhat?...owh, it'll be fine beside its not too hot" he understand it right away. "Really?" you said in concern,. " yeah, it'll be fine zon't vorry about me" he continued walking. After a few minutes you arrived in front of a big house, its nearly look like a castle with an awesome scenery as a background there's a blue ocean, with a few alps around it

"Wow!" again you stuttered with the beautiful scenery. " come inside first" he continued walking still holding your hand. As soon as he opened the front door, there's a two line of maid and butler, waiting. "Welcome back, young master" they said in same tone and slightly bows down. "Ze awesome me is back!" he announced,grinning.

"Linda, (randomly pick) make a zrink for us, I'll be waiting at ze balcony," he gives a direction to one of the maid. "Yes young master," the maid give a reply. Gilbert continued dragging you toward another room upstairs, his fast pace cause you to do a little run. He stop when you arrived in front of, an engraved metal door. "Close your eyes," he said holding the door handle.

"What?, why?" you asked him. "Just do it," he replied. "You look at him with curious face. "Fine!" but you continued closing your eyes. You can hear a sound of the door being opened and slow refreshing breeze then you gently being pushed to move. "Okay now open your eyes" you followed his direction.

As soon as you opened your eyes you can see a beach with a blue ocean, under you, there's a stairs that, connect the balcony towards the beach. "Gil~, its so beautiful, too beautiful." You in awe. "I know. Its beautiful, I used to live hier, vith mein family" he throw his gazed towards the ocean in front. His eyes look sad.

"Before Vatti built zis house, he build a house in Germany. Vhen I vas about 12, mein mutti died in an accident, soon after zhat, Vatti got a job hier in (your country),so zhats vhy zis house vere built. After mutti death Vatti change a lot he alvays in his room doing jobs und rarely vith us, he changed but he never forget us, sometime he did played vith us even he gots a bunch of vorksheet. But its not too long ve lived togezher, Vatti moved back to Germany, Luddy und I vere still hier to finish our study." he stop taking a deep breath as if trying to calm himself.

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