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MUAHAHAHA! (^O^)/ I'm going to do another chapter, SINCE I HAVE A TIME I'LL TRY TO UPDATE IT.

So before this you were inside his AWESOME car! I'M GOING TO CONTINUED IT, hope you enjoy. thanks for the review!

" Gil, where's Ludwig?" finally in a way for your date you ask him, "Kesesese! (name), you just realizes it?," he stop the car when the traffic light turn red. "Bruder,, has a meezing for his club, basically, its usually takes a few hours, so he said he couldn't" You nodded, and the silence keep, for a few minute, you don't want to attract his attention from driving, and neither him asked you anything and keep his eye on the road. "So ,vhere do you vant to go?" finally he broke the silence.

"Umm, I don't know, its up to you," you look at his face and slowly admired it, he now wears a black spectacles, you know for an albino like him, his sight were infected too, that's why he always wear glasses inside the class. Indeed people said the glasses make people look nerd, but not for him, it apparently makes him look more awesome than usual. Why are you keep using the word awesome? His awesomeness might be contagious...

"Vhat if I take you to zhe place you zon't like?" he asked again, " Its fine, as long as its fun, beside I believed you..." you said to him, the last three word you said with slow voice but you certain that he hear that, since he break into a bright smile. "ALLRIGHT!, LET'S GO!" he said with his loud voice and accelerate the car speed. "Gil! Slow it down!" you started to yell, "nein! The use of a sport car is for speeding afterall!"

"Gil! I know you was happy, but please consider our life! I don't want to die young" you yell again but he continued it, with his "Kesesesesesesese!" tired of yelling you keep your grip on the seatbelt holding it for your dear life.


'(name) vas very cute ,closing her eyes vhile holding ze seatbelt scared, I can't help but keep laughing' for her cute behavior. About ze place, I already decide vhere, I'm just not sure if (name) vould like it, but her vord earlier totally got me, off guard 'I believed you' her slow soft voice really make mein heart beat, fast more fast zhan ze time I kissed her before, if I can't control myself I maybe end up doing somezhing vulgar. Und one more zhing, about mein transfer to Germany back, I don't know how I'm going to tell her, seeing her smile today I just vish ve vouldn't split up I vish its not happening.


After half an hour Gilbert stop his car, you slowly opened your (e/c) and look around, all you can see is just merely an empty field, Gilbert undone his seatbelt, you did the same thing. He quickly step outside and opened the door for you. " Come, I'll show you ze place" he gently pulled your hand. You nodded in reply. He brought you to a straight small valley, which seemed like it rarely being used. You started to tighten the grip to his hand, "Gil...?" you started to felt uneasy as you look up to his face. He replied with a kind smile, He seemed to notice your nervousness , "Its near don't vorry"

A few minute of walking he stop and stand in front of you and block the view in front of you, "Gil?" you furrowed your eyebrow "If you vant to pass here kiss me first" he said intersecting his arm. "Gil I want to see it" you started to move to get a better view, but he block it. " No ...kiss me first" he repeat his word earlier, "*sigh*, fine!" you tip toed and slowly pressed a kiss on his cheek, "Aww~ not zhere, hier" he point to his lips, " Nein!" you object it.

"Zhen, you can't pass?" he said with a smirk. "tch, then I won't pass" you turn back and pretending you were sulking. " Aww, (name) don't be like zhat, ok, look at me" he tried to pull your body to face him, you tried to avoid eye contact with him but it doesn't work, it keep looking at those magnetic crimson eyes, "( name), please look at me, 'gefallen' est tut mir leid (please, I'm sorry)," he said with worried face.

"Fine", you said and he broke out to smile again. "Now, can I?" you asked trying to see the view behind him. " OK, be ready to see the major awesomeness!!" he started to move

"Mein got! Gil, this is so beautiful!"

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