5-The Cult's POV

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"Where's Andre'? Did he get him by now?" The cult leader, who by the way was the one in white at the ritual, asked his cult. The rest of them, from different directions, all stepped out from the woods and onto the trail.

"I don't know man. But he sure is taking an awfully long time to do so" Silas, one of the members that Jack saw at the Roseburg Diner last month and spoke to a week ago, reported. Silas was dressed exactly like Andre', and the rest of the cult. All the members were together in a circle, wondering where their fellow co-member was. They didn't even get to roast the hiker they killed, that Jack was trying to help a few days ago, due to being interrupted by his camera flash like 20 minutes ago, and them having to get the fuck out of there as quickly as possible.

"I saw him carrying some tiny chick on his shoulder" One of the other members reported. The leader, behind the mask, raised his eyebrows, confused. Some of the others looked at their fellow cult member, confused as well.

"Yeah, me too. She was thrown over his shoulder, i don't know where he carried her to. But she sure was laughing.... a lot. I wonder what he was saying to her."

"WHAT!?!" The cult leader exclaimed.

"What the fuck is he doing!? He's supposed to be finding that idiot that took our picture to silence him!"

"I don't know, but that little chick was fineeee" One of the other members admitted.

"She was damn pretty, my boy's gettin' some of that tight pussy tonight!" One of the other members said, motioning with his hand and laughing. The whole cult, minus the leader, was whistling and going "Yeahhhhhh!" or "Yeah man!",

"Damn, can he share some that?" Another member exclaimed. The leader was extremely pissed off. He glared at the member who said that.

"Right! Let me get some too!"

"Me three! I need to get me a shawty..."


And then, everyone immediately shut up and quickly became serious again.

"Oh, hell no! They didn't leave the forest, did they?!"

"Nah, not from what I saw. I just saw them go deep into the woods somewhere, and then they disappeared. And I don't think he killed her. She was laughing and showed no signs of fear whatsoever. Unless...he was luring her first."

"FIND HIM!" The leader demanded in a very loud, deep bellowing voice. He snatched his walkie talkie off of his belt.

"Andre'. This is Daniel. Do you copy? Where are you, brother?"


"Andre'! Do you copy!?!?!?!?!!"


"Oh, he's DEFINETLY fucking her" Silas said with a cheeky smile behind the mask.

"Shawty getting it good tonight!"


Everyone scattered.

Fears To Fathom Fanfiction-Ironbark 𝓗𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓾𝓹Where stories live. Discover now