8-You Disobeyed Me!

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Suddenly, Hannah heard footsteps approaching, the crunching through the leaves and grass. She quickly put her socks and shoes on and ran to peak through the blinds.

Obviously, it was her brother Jack, and Connor. And Jack looked pissed. Like really really pissed.   

Hannah gulped and slowly opened the door. Connor gave her a little smile, but Jack was too angry. Connor was also in awe at Hannah, his heart nearly skipped a beat. She really was beautiful, damn. So, this was Jack's little sister that they spent hours looking for. He had already seen a picture of her from Jack's phone but seeing her in person....wow.

"Hey....my bro. Hey Connor. What's up guys?" Hannah said with a nervous smile.

"What's up!?" Jack asked, clearly annoyed. Hannah looked down at the ground. Uh oh.

"Jack, I'm sorry. I'm really really really sorry".

"Why didn't you listen to me?" Jack said, quickly raising his voice.

"I-I was drunk. Please, I'm so sorry!" Hannah begged. 

"I told you to not leave my side like that. I told you that these woods weren't normal! You could've gotten killed Hannah! You deliberately disobeyed me! Do you have any idea how much anxiety I've had these last few hours, looking for you? DO YOU? I WAS SCARED TO DEATH THAT I WAS GOING TO FIND MY LITTLE SISTER'S DEAD BODY! MY BIGGEST FEAR, GOD DAMN IT!"

Jack quickly pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and smoked it. He was so fucking mad. Hannah couldn't control herself and then started sobbing uncontrollably. And quite frankly, loudly. Once again, the girl knew she was wrong. She was the one to blame. She did mess up. She did something so incredibly stupid, and she literally could've died. One of the cult members was hearing everything that Jack was yelling, heard Hannah crying, and motioned for the others to come watch, though they could hear it from quite a distance away already anyway. The whole cult, including Andre' and the cult leader, was watching Hannah get her ass chewed out.

"Dude, isn't that the chick you banged a few hours ago?" One of the members asked Andre'. He nodded, wide-eyed. He was just trying to silence Jack. Why was he yelling at his one-night stand like that? How did he even know her? Were they dating, and she cheated on him with the cultist?

"I'm your older brother! You know it's my job as that, to protect you. But how am I supposed to do that when you're running around, doing whatever you want and NOT listening to me? You have to listen to me when I'm working, Hannah! What is wrong with you? I should've known you would've pulled something like this!"

"A lot" Hannah sobbed through her tears.

Brother? The cultist, thought. The rest of the cult all looked at each other, just as confused as Andre' was. Because Hannah had light brown skin and Jack was white. They didn't even look anything alike, except for the fact that they both had long legs and were skinny. Andre' figured that Hannah had to have been adopted. That was her brother that he was trying to kill earlier?

Hannah then wrapped her skinny arms around Connor and hugged him tightly, as if her life depended on him. At first, Connor looked very confused, but he went along with it and hugged her back, letting her cry it all out into his chest. Jack rolled his eyes and threw his arms up, even more angry and annoyed with his little sister now. For her fucking up like this, then trying to play the victim it seemed.  

"Oh, hell no! You're not actually serious right now girl. And don't comfort her! She needs to understand that she could've gotten killed! That what she did was extremely fucking stupid!"

"I know that though! I told you, I'm sorry! I know I fucked up. How many times do I have to say I'm sorry, Jacky?"

"And quit screaming at her! She's fine and look, she's alive. Your sister is okay Jack. Stop yelling at her like that! LOOK AT HER."

Jack's eyes widened, and he huffed. The cult was shocked at this whole thing. They needed some popcorn. Andre' was speechless. Like truly speechless. But after hearing the honest truth, he did agree with her brother that what she did was indeed wrong. Getting drunk, sneaking off, and having sex with a big guy that looked vicious, risking getting pregnant and getting killed because she had no idea who he truly was. But Andre' was still very into her, despite all of that. Though, seeing her breakdown like this and admit she was wrong, made him feel quite sorry for her. 

Jack's face softened. In this moment, he started to feel bad for screaming at her. He suddenly didn't care right now, specifically about what Hannah had done when she snuck off. He was just extremely grateful that his little sister was alive and okay, like Connor just said. That she was still here with him. That she was still going to get to go home with him, and see mom, dad, and all of her and his friends were going to get to be with her again. She's alive. She's really okay. He still has his sister, and Hannah meant everything to him. 

"Hannah" He said, much nicer and calmer. She looked up at him from Connor's chest, as he began to cry himself. 

"Come here. Just come here, please."

Connor smiled as Hannah quickly ran into Jack's arms, them both crying and hugging each other. Connor began tearing up, seeing the true love these two had for each other, as brother and sister. Seeing how much Jack truly cared about Hannah, tugged at his heart strings. 

"I love you so much, sissy. I can't imagine my life without you in it" Jack cried and spoke.

"Jack, I love you too. I'm really, really very sorry" Hannah apologized, hanging tightly onto her brother. She loved him sooo much. Her whole life, he had been there. He always protected her. He always had her back, through everything, thick and thin. They did everything together, and Jack was the best big brother that Hannah could ever ask for. She never wanted to scare him like this again. Her heart was broken for doing this to him.

"It's okay. It's more than okay, I'm just glad you're still here. I still have my little sister."

"Indeed, you do. You have a beautiful little sister who loves you so much, and realizes she was wrong. Hang onto her, Jack. She's a good kid" Connor said. Then, he hugged them both. A group hug. At this point everyone was crying.

Andre' suddenly felt a tear stream down his face, watching these two like this. It made him jump. He touched it. He couldn't remember the last time he cried, even if he tried to. He could honestly understand why Jack was so pissed at her. And then, Andre' began to feel relief that he didn't kill him. He was falling in love with Hannah, and had he killed Jack, he would've taken the most important person in her life from her. He couldn't do that to her. So very surprisingly, he did feel bad for going after Jack. He was guilty.

He wanted nothing more than for Hannah to give him a chance. A real chance. He felt like he would do anything to get that with her. Anything, to get her to see that she was more than just a one-night stand to him.

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