Grave Decision

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"Leyley, I don't--...want to." says the voice of a young boy who is somewhat familiar to you.
"Well I do! Just go over and __k _e_ to ___ __th you." another voice, this time a demanding little girl.

"Ley, wait...I change my mind, isn't she your friend?" You clearly recall your own voice in this vivid dream, you sounded concerned, for what? You can't remember...

"Y/n! You already promised me you'd help!! And mom said you'd help us with anything!" Shouted the little girl to both you and the boy, you can tell from his behaviour, he is very uncomfortable with this entire situation.
You can't necessarily blame him though, for you find yourself in the same boat.

"We'll get in trouble..." 

" long as we don't get caught and she ____n't t___ any___..."

The sunlight beamed through your curtains hitting you directly on your face, you opened your eyes in discomfort and awoke in your almost emptied dorm room. You looked over at your alarm clock and saw that it was 9:23 am, too damn early for your liking, but what else can you do?
You let out a long sigh as you pulled yourself out of bed, stretching while remembering that unsettling dream.
It's been a while since you've last seen the Graves siblings, ever since graduation to be exact. You've moved cities for college after high-school, sadly leaving your two best friends behind to pursue your dream career. 

Although upset about the move, Andy was completely understanding and cheered you on, Ley on the other hand...well, she wasn't so fond on the fact that you were going to leave, she was really angry at you for essentially 'abandoning' her. You've kept in touch, calling them rather frequently. Though it's mostly Andy who strikes up conversation for hours on the phone with you, you've figured that deep down, Ley is still offended by you leaving her and only say the occasional hello and small talk.

You let out a sigh of frustration as you got to finishing up packing the last of your belongings in your beaten up suitcase. You didn't have much, and sold most of your junk to make a quick buck. 

Your plan as of right now was to leave this place.'ve been at unease, ever since you started having those dreams from back then. Its been over 3 months now and you can't seem to get the Graves siblings out of your head. Aside from that, you haven't been able to contact them in said 3 months, which was so unlike them to go on a disappear out of the blue like that.
You've tried calling, but the last time you've gotten an answer, was from their mother, claiming that they don't live in the apartments anymore and to stop calling them. 

You are known to be a persistent son of a bitch, so you kept nagging their mother for more information, to the point she just stopped picking up the phone all together. To be honest, you think the old hag is hiding something from you, she wasn't necessarily a great mother to those two to begin with.

You have this troublesome feeling in your gut that something is incredibly wrong, all this stress has affected your studies, you can't sleep without dreaming of  those two, and you hardly feel any hunger. Your head keeps spinning in every direction and you simply cannot go on without knowing if those two are okay.
Because of this lack of responsibility, you've found yourself flunking and loosing your once in a life time scholarship that paid basically everything. Yet, you weren't fazed.
As a matter of a fact, you took this as a sign from the universe to go back and find your friends, just to make sure they are safe.

And that is exactly what you were doing. Whatever happens in your future doesn't matter, it can wait for now. Right now, there were only two people on your mind that mean the world to you. And with that, you said goodbye to your college life.
It never crossed your mind that this decision will change absolutely everything forever.

A Coffin Of Three. ( Andy x Fem!Reader X Leyley )Where stories live. Discover now