Escape (Final part)

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Hey guys! Sorry for the MIA, I  wasn't feeling great these past few days and decided to take a break from everything. BUT I'm back and fully charged! And Merry Late Christmas!


The two of you found the key to the second floor as well as the newly acquired fire-arm. You gave it to Ashley since it seemed she was really into it, however you ensured to make her promise she wouldn't dare shoot you or Andy with it, not even as a prank. You made your way back to the front door of apartment 302 where you had left Andy with the deceased woman. Oh, that's right! He killed her...You completely forgot to mention that to Leyley.
It doesn't appear to matter anymore as the two of you walk into the crime scene of a room, where Andy was found leaning on the kitchen counter as he waited for his girls to come back.

To leyley's dismay, her plans of splattering the lady's brains on the wall had been thwarted as she observed her corpse already resting on the bed.

"........What happened here?" she asked, seeming irritated. Quite the drastic change considering how she was having the time of her life, moaning like a mad woman just a couple of minutes ago.

"She tried to shoot me with the nail gun..."
You gave him a side eye to his response...he lied...

"How on earth? Weren't you watching her to make sure that didn't happen?!" Ley exclaimed, seeming more enraged by the minute, although you could comprehend why she was.

"Well, I let my guard down!"


"You two were taking a while, I figured she wouldn't start anything as long as I had my cleaver. Lesson learned."

You were just as confused with Andy as you were with Leyley. You didn't understand why he had to lie about it...I mean, yeah... it will be an awkward conversation to tell his sister that he wanted to fuck your brains out and he killed her to get her out of the way...Just as it would be awkward to tell her brother that you both took your time not because of the ritual, but also because she wanted to ride you like there was no tomorrow...

...Shit...will they be mad at you for doing them both?

"How interesting...That you'd want to take your chances with that....for no reason...." Ley clenched her fist as she was getting more upset by the minute. But even you remained clueless on what's going through her mind.

"..What are you getting at?" Andy asked, his tone shifting sour as he was starting to get irritated with his sister's foul attitude towards him.
You felt that things were starting to escalate again.

"Hey guys....Calm down will ya? We're almost out! Can we just talk about this later?" You butted in their conversation, however they both seemed to ignore your presence in that very moment.

"I mean, you did say she was pretty..." Leyley spat. Earning a frustrated groan from her older brother as he finally understood what all her attitude was about.

"I didn't try anything with her!!"

"Yeah yeah. And here I was wondering why you insisted on staying behind. Andrew shoots his load while I risk getting shot at by the warden..."

"Are you unaware that the lady is dead right now?"

"I guess she said no~"

"Screw you, Ashley!"

"God! I can't believe what a dumbass you are when it comes to women!!"

Their tones kept increasing by the minute. And for the first time you didn't know what to say...feeling that all of this is your fault and that if you end up telling them the truth, they will hate your guts...Hell, they are capable of killing you...And you would accept that fate.

"It's Always The Same With You!! You get to dip your dick in some bitch and the rest of the world disappears!!"

"Not true."

"Yeah it is, cockbrain!! I just need you to get your priorities straight!"

"Come on is definitely not the time for this..." You tried to soothe over only earning a glare from Ashley.

"Don't you agree Y/n?! Your priorities should be US!!!" She started screaming at her brother.

"Blow it out your ass!! I'm not having this argument here of all places!"


"NO! SHUT UP!!...I didn't screw the lady. And on that note, will you back the fuck off my love life, Ashley?"

Andy exploded, he was full on angry as you observe his hands closing into tight fists. You worry that he's unintentionally digging his nails deep in his palms.

"...What's that supposed to mean?" Ashley quiet down just a tiny bit, a bit frightened at her brother's outburst.

"Oh I don't know...It's not like my girlfriend dumped me after you harassed the hell out of her or something."

Oh shit!...Well good on you Ley! She wasn't good enough for him anyway! On the bright side, now you don't feel so guilty after practically telling Julia to dump him...Haha...ah...Okay, right! Now is not the time!

"What, she told you? What a tattletale~ You're better off without loose-lipped whores like that!" Ashley laughed...not a good move on her part as Andy's aura darkened like how it had before...You felt shivers down your spine as protective mode kicked in once more.

"...So it really was you..." Andy muttered under his breath for only him to hear, but you manged to do so as well.

You stood between the two of them, not necessarily blocking them from each other, but standing your ground and ready to stop either of them from doing anything stupid.

"Yeah? All I did was weed out a quitter for you! You're welcome! And I wouldn't harass anyone if you stop ignoring me when I need you!"

"You ALWAYS need something!! You Always Have Some Bullshit Crisis The Moment I'm Supposed To Meet Up With Someone!! I bet you bloody love it here where I can't as much as take a piss without you knowing."

A Coffin Of Three. ( Andy x Fem!Reader X Leyley )Where stories live. Discover now