Mr. and Mrs. Graves (Part 2)

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"Oh shit! Isn't this too early?! They shouldn't be home yet!"

Andrew quietly exclaimed as his body tensed up. In a rather protective manner, he kept a tight grip on you and Ashley, unconsciously urging the two of you behind him and expecting the worst.
Ashley however, was already pulling out the gun that was safely tucked away, to which you immediately pushed her hand back down to stop her.
"Not a good idea, Ashley! The neighbors will hear the gunshot."

"Like she'd shoot her anyway!" Andrew added, believing that his sister isn't capable of murder, considering that you and he are the ones doing all the dirty work thus far.

".....Is someone there?"

You hear the old hag call out, the three of you were being too loud and now she is fully aware of your presence.
Without hesitating, Andrew decided to take the friendly approach as he called out to her.

"H-HIII MOM!!! It's just us!" 

He said as he quickly pulled you both out of the room and went to greet their mother, making sure to keep her glued to the front door so she wouldn't realize that you were in the middle of snooping around her room.

"Welcome Hoooome!!" He cheered with an exaggeratedly big smile on his face, successfully hiding every trace of ill intent behind that fake tender look.
Ashley held on to your hand as she reluctantly followed you to see her bitch of a mother. If it weren't for you and Andrew holding her back, she probably would have the barrel of the gun pointed directly at her by now.

"...Andrew. What are you doing here..?" She asked, indeed surprised but not in the good way you'd expect from a mother. As a matter of a fact, she saw you at the corner of her eye holding on to Ashley, you couldn't help but noticed she eyed you up and down with such a despiteful expression.

"Surprise! We came for a visit!" Andrew played off.

"Oh...I see."

Their mother looked at her children with a troublesome face, she didn't even try to act like she was at least a bit happy to see them. You felt your blood boil at the audacity this woman has, but played along. The same fake smile found its way all over your face as you wrapped your arm around Andrew's waist, pulling both him and Ashley to a hug as you stared down at this lady.

"Good morning Mrs. Graves! Long time no see, you look as divine as usual." You lied, smiling genuinely as you can tell she wasn't excited to see you, and much less so as you held on to her children a little too close for comfort.

"Y/n... What a lovely surprise. I owe you an apology...for rudely dismissing your calls." She forced her own smile as she recalled the MANY times you ringed asking for the siblings. She'd grown far annoyed to the constant buzzing on the phone that she had took the time to learn how to block your number.

"Oh it's alright! I understand, you just didn't want to worry me about what had happened! Thank you~"

You quickly dismissed her so called apology as it doesn't matter to you. You wanted to avoid this conversation as you felt both Andrew's and Ashley's aura darken, after they confirmed that you did in fact call who knows how many times, and their mother never once bothered to let them know about that fact.

"Exactly...I wanted to protect you from that parasite infested area..."


"How are you home so early? Did you get fired?" Ashley spat, very angered with her mother then and there for dismissing you the way that she did.

"It was my day off. I was just out shopping...How did you three get inside?" She arched her eyebrow, there was no spare key laying around...nor did she ever even give them one in the first place.

"You left the door unlocked. You should really be more careful about that." it was rather concerning the way Andrew lies ever so swiftly, without faltering or even stuttering as if he was speaking the truth.

"...Did i really?" She asked as she began to question could she have been so careless?

"Please, let me help you with those groceries. They look pretty heavy!" You offered and let go of the Graves, earning an invisible frown from the both of them as they enjoyed your touch. You grabbed the paper bags filled with random purchases and headed towards the kitchen to set them down on the table, pulling out each item and setting them aside.

You did this to give the Graves some privacy, to see if their mother was only being polite because you were around. From her are indeed a BIG problem..
All her family and friends, even neighbors were led to believe that her children tragically lost their life in that fire. Her husband even ensured to have their death certificates filled out and that was practically the lie they lived with...

The fact that there's just one person who knows that they are alive and well is enough to get into trouble with the law for fraud...or even worse, that the truth gets revealed that they sold them off to questionable individuals...

Andrew and Ashley soon walked in the kitchen. Andrew helped you put the groceries away while Ashley brewed some coffee. It didn't take long for Mrs. Graves to pop in the kitchen to join you and all four of you sat down at the table with fresh coffee leaving a delicious scent in the air.

"So, I saw the news of the fire...What happened?" Mrs.Graves cut to the chase as she wondered how her children managed to get out of the quarantine, she had a feeling that this was all your doing.

"What do you care?" Ashley answered rudely as both you and Andrew kicked her feet to get her to behave.

"Well, first we got evacuated. After that, they gave us the go-ahead to leave. Since we've been cleared of the parasites anyway. Our place and belongings got burnt to ashes...Luckily, Y/n happened to be back in town and she took us in. We owe a lot to her~!"
Andrew explained as he reached over the table for your hand and Ashley laid her head on your shoulder as a way to say thanks...they were making it really obvious that you guys had a touchy relationship as you can see the sneer threatening to take over Mrs.Graves's features. 

You giggled on the inside. They're definitely doing this on purpose to piss her off.

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