Bloody Murder

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(Hey guys! In part of this chapter, I won't exactly indicate which sibling will be talking as you will imagine whether it be Andrew or Ashley depending on which route you decided to take. I hope it isn't confusing...And thank you all so much for reading and your comments! They seriously make my day!! <3)

The cold night wrapped your world, the air crisp and biting. Stars twinkled like diamonds in the dark sky, while the moon cast a silvery glow over the silent raven-haired girl and yourself. Each breath hung in the air, a testament to the frigid temperature. The stillness seemed to magnify the cold, creating a sense of isolation and anxiety as you both patiently waited for the killer to appear.

But instead, your gazes shifted toward the dark alleyway as Andrew made his way back over. Finally putting an end to the deafening silence.

"You done snooping around the cultist?" Ashley was the first to speak up as she noticed your dull behavior.

"Yeah. So there's apparently a little cultist club where they all gather around for some demons and treats. But they can't summon shit! Absolutely nothing showed up."

Andrew and Ashley continued to talk about everything he had seen back in the cult party. As much as you tried to keep a straight face and indulge in the conversation, you always found yourself circling back to the past event...

They acted like nothing had ever happened...

It was as if you didn't go cannibalistic on their ass just moments ago! simply can't let that happen won't allow it! You would rather end your own life than ever harm any of the Graves siblings again.

"...Can we talk?..."

You managed to mutter out without having your voice crack into pitiful sobs. Both siblings turned their heads to face you, worry painted on their pale features.
You wanted to look up but just couldn't bring yourself to do it. You kept your eyes glued to the ground as you contemplated on the right words to say in order to express what you were feeling...

"Y/n...I already told you. It's okay! Don't beat yourself up about it..."
The raven sibling you nearly devoured spoke up before you could have said a word, or even let yourself explain to the other what happened.

"Did I miss something?..." You felt a knot at your throat once that question was asked, you felt your hands trembling uncontrollably as you began to would they react once they find out that you literally drew blood from their own kin.

Without answering the question, the sibling pulled down on their sleeve to reveal the poorly wrapped bandage. Peeling it back ever so gingerly to reveal the deep bitemark that will forever be imbedded in their skin as a permanent scar.

There were no words exchanged, however it wasn't necessary as the dilated pupils of utter disbelief said it all.
You felt weak in the knees as you let yourself crouch down to the ground, pulling your legs close and hiding your remorse in between them. 

You felt a heavy culpability consume you as it the air around you felt dense, it was harder to breath...the act of stress kept increasing at a rapid pace and you simply wanted to the world to swallow you whole in that moment. 

As dreadful as those feelings may be, they were slowly being lifted as you felt the pair crouch down alongside you. Andrew on your left and Ashley on your right, each soothing you with back and head rubs.

"...Something is really wrong with me..." You couldn't contain your sobs as your voice cracked through your sentence.

"No, Y/n. Of course not...We're going to fix this."

"Just tell us exactly what happened with you.."

You took a minute to take deep breaths, trying your best to regain control of your emotions to explain everything the demon had told you.

"I get this ache... I thought it was for food but it to tear everything to fucking...pieces... It's so similar to hunger, but different. It makes me feel so weak and tired, I really don't know how else to explain it..." You started off, as you felt in more control of your emotions.

"The demon we summoned. It told me that this would happen, that I need to feast in order to revitalize the gift he gave me and to keep control...But Shit!! I can't do that!!"

A Coffin Of Three. ( Andy x Fem!Reader X Leyley )Where stories live. Discover now