Quality 'Family' Time

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"Alright, good!"

Ashley exclaimed after you're little representation of your powers. You rose back up to your feet to stand next to the siblings.

"Mom, what's the pin for your credit card?" Andrew asked her with the most blunt-looking expression you have ever seen, it colors you surprised that he seems so unfazed by all of this.

"...Is that what this is about? Money?? You would go this far, just to make a quick buck?" Mrs.Graves asked, trying to push her 'motherly ways' by scolding her children and hopefully get out of this predicament. But in reality, she was just reluctant to give out her banking information and end up with nothing after everything she did to get the cash in the first place.

"What's the pin, and where's the card itself?"

Ignoring her attempt to scold the three of you, Andrew asked her again, this time sounding much more stern and demanding. It sent shivers down her spine as she finally realized that she no longer had 'motherly' control over him.

"...It's in my purse..." She whispered and proceeded to tell him the digits as Andrew wrote them down on a piece of paper so as to not forget them.

"Okay then, I'm going to head out and try this out. Ashley, Y/n. You both stay here and don't do anything until I come back."

You nodded your head as you went to lay down on the bed, the hunger slowing waring you down again as you felt light-headed and weak.

"That depends on them." Ashley answered with a sassy tone.

"If she gave me the wrong pin, and you end them, then what?"

"Again. It depends if they behave or not."

"...Alright. Y/n, can you make sure that she behaves?" Andrew let out a long sigh and gestured Ashley over to you.

"You got it, darling." You answered with a breathy tone...gosh you're starving...and it wasn't helping that you have two human shaped sacks of blood just sitting on the floor in front of you. You couldn't help but think that it's you that Andrew has to worry about...

Both siblings noticed your sudden weaken state as your skin started to pale, the pair exchanged worried glances at each other. Then walked their way over to you, Ashley sitting next to you on the bed while holding your hand, as for Andrew he stood over you, passing his hand over your head and removing thin strands away from your face.

"Do you think you can hold up for a little while longer?" Ashley asked you.
You slowly sat up and put on a positive face so that the two of them can relax and not waste their energy worrying about you.

"Yeah I'll be fine! But the quicker, the better..."

Andrew nodded and quickly made his way up the steps, you laid back down and at the corner of your eye, you saw that Ashley had chased after him. However, you had zero energy to even worry about what the two of them were talking about.

You heard the front door of the house close and Ashley came back down to the basement in a rather chippy mood. You let out a sigh in relief now that you know that they were finally back on good terms. She had a butcher knife already in hand as she crouched down to her parent's level.

"Alright, here's what's going to happen, I'm going to cut one of you to draw some blood. And if you scream, I'll blow both of your brains out, how about that?" She explained ever so cheerfully.
You shut your eyes and tried to focus your mind on resting, afraid that as soon as she draws the blood, you'll lose control like you had before. You hear her and her mother bickering about the past. Now, it wasn't your intention to listen in...but your eyes shot wide open at the next confession.

"You know goddamn well what I'm talking about! I never told anyone what you three little psychos did to that girl."

You rose up from the bed and slowly made your way next to Ashley.

"Ahahaha! What are you on about? Take your meds." Ashley tried to play off as innocent as she normally does, but you both knew very well that she was talking about Nina...

"I know that you two and Andrew did something to that classmate of yours who went missing...I knew it the second she was found dead near that warehouse you all used to play in. If I didn't love you, I could've rid myself of you then and there. When it comes to being a mother I am a fucking saint, Ashley. A saint!"

For the first time, you noticed that Ashley's expression softened as she seemed to start to believe her mother's lies...you weren't going to lose her now that you have here...no...you had to stop that from happening and bring her back to reality.

"Yeah, to cover your own ass. What a fucking saint indeed..." You started off with your smartass attitude.

"And you Y/n! To think that I used to believe that you could've better influenced these two! If I've known from the beginning how fucked up you are, I've would've shielded my children from you!"

She spat in your direction, only earning a wicked grin as you were waiting for this moment to give this cunt a taste of your mind.

"Hah...says the bitch who was never around to care for said children...who put all responsibility on her eldest son...who never once even tried to show an ounce of love to them... the only thing you were ever good at doing was fucking your brains out with your husband. Oh! And apparently great at selling off your children to fucking organ traffickers.."

 You spat back in her face, its taking every cell within your being to keep you from tearing her head off. On the other hand, Mrs.Graves stayed silent as her pupils dilated in fear at your accusation, immediately declaring her guilty in your book.

A Coffin Of Three. ( Andy x Fem!Reader X Leyley )Where stories live. Discover now