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He spaced out a lot. 

Not usually.

But recently.

Kai had been noticing that Cole would just stare off into the distance for a while, and then get back to what he was doing. 

It was random. 

It also made him worry about Cole. 

Especially in moments like these.

The ninja were practice - fighting against each other, and Cole had just stopped, completely zoning out, and Kai accidentally sliced his arm open, thinking Cole was going to block the strike. 

Cole regained his focus and saw that he was bleeding significantly. "Kai!" 

"I'm sorry, dude. I thought you were going to block it!" Kai said. 

"It's fine." 

"It's not fine," Nya said coming in after her and Lloyd were done. "You should probably get that checked out by a doctor."

"A doctor, as in, you? Or a doctor, as in, professional doctor?" Cole asked. 

Nya sighed. "Whichever you want, but it would probably be best to have a professional." 

"Great, so you're doing it." Cole said.  

Nya grumbled. 

"Chillax, Nya, it's not that bad." Cole told her.

But when he looked down at his arm, it was soaked with blood. 

He crumpled to the ground. 


"He's going to die. It's all my fault." Kai whispered. 

"Shut. up." Nya said. "He is not going to die."

The two ninja were sitting on the roof of the monastery talking in the middle of the night. Cole had been taken to the hospital and he still was unconscious.

"He probably hates me now." 

Nya didn't reply. 

"Oh, so now when I say that, you have nothing to say? No encouragement? No 'hey Kai Cole's gonna be fine and he doesn't hate you'?"

Nya was staring at her phone, eyes wide.

"Hey!" Kai said. "Nya. Look up."

She didn't move. So Kai took her phone and looked at it. 

They glanced at each other, and they had some sort of mental communication cause they both jumped off the roof, raced into the monastery, turned on the tv, and cranked it up.

"...a fire is spreading at Ninjago City hospital, and firefighters and first responders are racing to get the patients safely out..."

"...luckily none of the patients were seriously sick so they can survive here for a little..."

"...someone told me there's only one person left..." they said as the camera was pointed at the people laying on the street.

Jay woke up and came into the living room to see what was happening. "Do you guys know what time it is?" 

Then he saw the tv. 


"...they're all heading up to the top floor, that's where the fire started, but they think the last one is up there..." 

" would they have survived this long? I don't know..." 

"What the hell is happening out here? Are you guys partying without me?" Lloyd's voice came from the hall. 

Yet no one answered. 

"...don't know, maybe the patient set the fire, that's what they think..."

"...they're all coming back down now, and I don't see the person, might be too hot..."

"Guys! Its the middle of the night!" a robotic voice called from somewhere.

"It has been confirmed that the patient on the top floor set the fire. We don't know why or how they did it, but the patient is none other than Cole Brookstone, who had been admitted a few hours earlier but was unconscious the whole time." a firefighter reported. 

Zane reached over, grabbed the tv remote, and clicked the power button. 

But it didn't matter.

Kai had already heard everything.

And he knew what to do.

He got up from the couch, walked calmly out the front door, and then started sprinting.

"Wait, Kai!" he heard his sister shout. 

But he didn't wait. 


Cole was in his hospital bed, still unconscious. No one had really tried to save him. 

Until Kai burst through the window and shook him awake. 

"Whattttt. I was sleep- why is it so hot in here?" 

As Cole looked around, his brain defaulted to one thing - run. 

However, this was a little difficult, considering his whole left arm was out of the action and all. 

"C'mon Kai, we gotta get out..." but he trailed off when he saw Kai's face.


"Did you start this fire?" 

"What? How could I have  done that?" Cole said, but he was getting nervous. 

"Did you start this fire?"

"No...I don't think....what?" 

Kai forcefully put his hands on Cole's shoulders. 

"Tell me right now, did you start this fire?"

"Well, uh, it was, um, the thing. It had a...a match. And it was lit. But my left hand, it isn't really all that strong right now."

"And, um, it put it in my hand."

"I dropped it, Kai." 

This is exactly the opposite of what Kai wanted to hear. 

"Well, get ready to have around, oh I'd say about a million cameras on you and a million cop cars after you. You better run as soon as we get out." Kai whispered. 

"Run? With this thing?" Cole said, gesturing to his cast. 

"Run." Kai said, and he tackled him out the window. 


so this is kinda inspired by me.

typing in a cast has been quite difficult, to tell you the truth.

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