Prom Disaster Pt 3

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At Kai's house...

"Why weren't you there?" Cole asked. He was the first one to speak.

"What do you mean?" Kai responded. 

"I mean, you're always there. Like, I can talk to you. But you weren't. You weren't there when they called me orphan, and when they called me homeless. You also weren't there when Lila died, or when I got put back in foster home." 

"I know. I'm sorry--" 

"Yeah, but... it doesn't change anything." 

"I'm so sorry Cole. I don't know what I was thinking. I just stood there, while you were getting bullied. Those guys are assholes by the way." 

Cole laughed a little. "I think I figured that out." 

"Um, this might seem like a weird question, but how...bad was it?"

"Was what?"

"The bullying."

Cole looked down. "Do I have to answer that question?"


"Fine. It was bad."

"How bad?" Kai asked again.

"Bad bad." 

"Like, how bad?" Kai said for the third time.

"They followed me. Everywhere. They were always there. Chasing me."



"How late have you been out?"

"Uhmmmm...not 2am?" 

"Cole! That's way too late for a high school kid. School starts at 7!" Kai exclaimed.

"They were always drunk." 


"They were always drunk." Cole repeated.

"How did they have time to get drunk if they were following you?" 


"Cole..." Kai warned. 

"They had bottles. They drank it. And they threw the bottles at me." Cole said reluctantly. 

Kai's eyebrows shot up and his mouth went the opposite direction. "Are you serious?" 

"You want proof?" 

Cole took off his shirt. There were bloody scrapes and bruises all over his back. Kai touched one of them and immediately recoiled. "The hell?" Kai said. 

Cole slipped his shirt back on. "Enough proof?"

"Yeah, yeah, I think so..." 


Kai exploded with a string of cusses directed at the boys who threw the bottles. "Be quiet, your mom might hear." Cole said. 

Maya knew her son cussed. She was fine with it. But Ray was not. So she walked right up those stairs and marched right into Kai's room. "Shut your mouth you bastard! Your dad might hear!" she screamed at him.

"Oof. Imagine your mom calling you a bastard." Cole whispered to Kai with a smirk. 

"Don't pretend like it's never happened to you." Kai responded, immediately regretting his words. Cole's mom was dead.

"Shut's totally not true." Cole whispered back. 

Ray knew his son cussed. He was fine with it. But Maya was not. So he walked right up those stairs and marched right into Kai's room. "Be quiet or your mom might hear!" he screamed at Kai. He failed to realize that Maya was in the room. 

When Kai's parents realized the other was there, they quickly straighten themselves up. "Um, son, you shouldn't talk like that." Ray said, amending his first saying. 

"Yeah, um, Kai." Maya said, trying to be chill but...

Neither of them seemed to notice Cole, who was cowering behind Kai because 'Kai's parents were damn terrifying!' 

"Okay?" Kai said. 

"Uh, okay, bye." Ray said, and him and Maya left, probably to go yell at one another in a different room. 

Cole burst out laughing and fell onto Kai's bed. "They didn't even notice me!" 

"Yeah. My mom probably needs glasses."

"Your parents were gonna yell at you until they saw each other." 

"Uh-huh. I think I dodged a bullet on that one." 

The boys talked and talked, until they were caught up with everything that happened in their lives. When Cole was about to leave, Kai grabbed his wrist. "Wait. I have a question." 


"Will you, um, go to prom with me?" 

"Of course." Cole said after a brief pause. 

Kai smiled. Cole smiled back. "Hey--" Cole was about to say something. But was interrupted. By Kai's lips on his. At first, he was surprised, but he quickly melted into the kiss. 

And they stood there, just like that. 


i am so bad at just finishing a story i need it to just continue on and on...

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