I Love You (No Words Needed)

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nothin like a little bit of cole angst to start off your day!

(High school AU)





He had been here before, hadn't he? Back in middle school, when he thought things were hard.

Nothing compared to now. 

"Go away, Andy." 

"Or what, you'll kiss me?" 

His posse laughed. 


"Stop. Just please stop." Cole said, covering his ears. His backpack banged against his locker behind him. 

"Why should I? My dad always says I gotta put people like you in your place."

Cole moves one of his hands to swipe at his eyes. He couldn't let him see him crying. 

But Andy blocks it. 

"People like you shouldn't be here. Go back to where you came from."

A tear runs down his face, unable to hold it anymore. Andy's death grip hurts, and he's digging his nail into his skin. The pain from his wrist is unbelievable. 

Andy twists his arm backwards, and he lets out a cry. 


"Get out. No one wants you here. Not even your little boyfriend. Everyone knows he's only dating you to get Skylor's attention." 

No. He couldn't believe that. Kai loved him. He knew it. 

Didn't he?

A sharp stab of pain comes from his wrist. 

"Let go!" he says, and he wrenches his hand from his grasp. 

"Whoa there, calm down." Andy says casually. 

"Go away." 

"I don't think I will." he said. Great job Cole. Now you've pissed him off, and if you only had kept quiet and just let him leave...


"Cole! Oh my god, what happened to your face?!" she yells as soon as he walks in. 

"Nya, calm down, its fine." But as he says it, he winces. Talking hurts.

Kai gets up off the couch. "Jesus." 

"And why didn't you walk home with us today, and didn't send a text or anything???" 

"Stop. You're not my mom." Cole replies, but not without hurt. 

"Yeah, but when you come home an hour late and your face is all screwed up like that, and your wrist is all red and bent in the wrong direction? I think I can ask what happened." she says in her I'm-the-boss-listen-to-me voice.

Cole puts his bag down in the hallway and pulls out his homework. "I'm going upstairs." 

Nya grabs his wrist to stop him from leaving.  

The bad one. 

"Let go, Nya!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!" he shouts, wincing from the pain. 

As soon as they hear the door slam, the siblings look at each other. 

"Andy." they say in unison. 

"What did he do to piss him off?" Nya said.

"Probably just exist." Kai answered, but they both knew what the answer was. 

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