Scene 8 - Cloud Of Chaos

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The residual energy left by the Investigator is present still at where Fireball XL5 left, now rocketing millions of miles away. We see this energy cloud beginning to grow, generating a cloud of energy glowing with colours and bolts electrifying out from them. The cloud changes different colours around the alternate parts of it. It grows rapidly, as if this was the remnant of the Investigator and now is being overpowered by a virus spreading over it's remains. The cloud grows stronger, and we then cut to another part of the universe where we see the Dark Station. After viewing it from an exterior shot, we cut inside to see Dr. Agon and his associate Trump inside. A signal bleeps in the control room.


There! There it is, master! It must be it there.

Dr. Agon:

Yes, thank you Trump. This could be indeed be a trace of the accursed Lavender Castle. We investigate. And destroy!

The Dark Station then increases speed to investigate the energy trace. We then cut to the Paradox flying through space, before we are aboard the crew of Captain Thrice. Thrice and Roger at the helm of their ship detect the same power source emanating from space. The rest of the crew members situate behind them, listening in to their conversation.

Captain Thrice:

You have a fix on that, Roger?


I, I, Captain. It's bleeding out across all space stations and transmitters this side of infinity.

Captain Thrice:

And if we can hear it loud and clear, then so will Dr. Agon. We must get to it before he does. Full steam ahead. Isambard, maximum power!


Coming up, Captain!

Isambard takes his hammer, hits the engine, and sends the Paradox blasting through space. However, the Dark Station quickly arrives at the cloud of chaos emanating in space.


That is not Lavender Castle! What is that space fissure? Is it dangerous?

Agon investigates his instruments, reporting what they find.

Dr. Agon:

Hmmm. How interesting. I think we shall take a closer look at this source.

The Dark Station moves in towards it, with it's grabs ready to capture it.

We shall extract this. And be ours to control.

Within the cloud, we hear echoes crying out. MasterSpy and Zarin are inside it, but we cannot see them due to the wild smoke pouring in around us.


MasterSpy! What has happened? Why can't I see you?


That freakish Investigator has blown us to smithereens, friend Zarin. Now we are just a pile of gas.


Ow! That is your heavy foot standing on mine!

The fog seems to be dissipating. Around them, we see the mysterious sways of fog encircling around them.


Ah. That is better. Now. To find out where the others got to.


Do you hear those cries, MasterSpy? Could it be them?


Perhaps. Perhaps not.


Do you think we are in heaven, MasterSpy? Do you think we were all killed when the jewel exploded?


If we were dead, then being trapped here with you for eternity would be enduring Hell for me.

We hear the voice of Dr Agon laughing, echoing around the cloud. Zarin begins shaking.

Who's there?

The laughing continues. Zarin hides into MasterSpy.

Get off me, you cockroach of a man.


But MasterSpy, I am so frightened. We are doomed in this place. Doomed!

We hear familiar voices supplied by stock footage come around them. The voices form the echoes around them. The Hood, the Mysterons, Titan and the Aquaphibians, Subterrains, Pedro, and Zelda.

What was that? Who are those voices?

Dr. Agon's voice booms over the others.

Dr. Agon:

I think I can explain.

Agon, holding Trump on his arm, step through, greeting them. Zarin is still frightened by the sight of him.


A pleasure to meet your acquaintance. I am MasterSpy. And my humble assistant, Zarin.

Dr. Agon:

Delighted. Dr. Agon, and my humble assistant, Trump.


I don't like this, MasterSpy. He looks sinister. And untrustworthy.


Quiet, you fool. Will you care to tell us what these machinations are all about please, Doctor?

Dr. Agon:

I would be gratified. For I know everything about this place.

Mysteron rings then slide over him. Around from the circling cloud, we see the arrival of Captain Black emerging! The Hood then follows. This is followed with two Subterrains, Titan and X20, Pedro, then Zelda with her children. They come together, and then we see the Mysteron rings slide over to Captain Black. This then cuts to see the Paradox continuing to fly through space. The Captain and Roger have lost trace of cloud of chaos.


I'm losing it.

Captain Thrice:

Any trace of the Dark Station?


Negative. The source has dissipated, Captain.

We then see on the scanner that the trace of energy is moving quickly, ahead of the speed the ship can take.

Hell's bells. How are we going to find it now?

Captain Thrice:

How's that?


The trace. It's visual geometry has moved, Captain. At a rate which we will never catch up with it.


But there's still no trace of Agon, so it's nothing to do with him.


None. Lavender Castle has never led us like this. This is something new.

Captain Thrice:

Then we follow its course.

The Paradox continues on it's course to fly towards the direction the source went to.


I still can't get a tangible result on the scanner of what it is.

We hear a bleep on the monitor.

It's course is set. The system Solar. Course... planet Earth!

The crew of the Paradox turn to each other, realising the terrible consequences this entails. In the meantime, the ship flies away from us finding the trace...


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