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Aurélie pov:

I woke up in the morning. It's 4:50 am. I stretch a little bit before get up and cleaning my bedroom.

(Aurélie bedroom)

I took a shower and wear a black hoodie and white shirt oversize in it

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I took a shower and wear a black hoodie and white shirt oversize in it. With black jeans. I grab my bag sling and carry it to the front door without making any noise. I place my bag and sneakers in right position or not i get scold again.

(her outfit of the day)

(her outfit of the day)

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I start my morning routine and cook the breakfast

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I start my morning routine and cook the breakfast. I look up to the clock and it's 5:15 am. I took the breakfast and dining it at the island. I cook bibimbap and rolled omelete with a hot tea. I place the chopstick and sort it out a bit.

After a few minutes, 'Mother' and 'Father' came. They sat down at the dining table while I standing at the corner, wait my permission to sit. 'Mother' didn't look at me while say "Sit" with annoyed tone in it. Did I do something to anoyyed them in this perfect morning? I quickly sit and wait for my permission again to eat or... Some worse things will happen. "Eat it dumb bitch" 'Mother' say. I eat my breakfast quickly. After that I took all the plate and wash the dishes even prepare some lunch box for the two of them since they will go to work after I go to school.

When I'm done, I gave the lunch box that I make this morning to them. Knowing that 'Mother' will get angry if she not seen it.

It was 6:10 am so I quickly walk to the front door and put shoes on. "Wait" 'Father' say. I stop in my movements and turn my head to him. He told me "after school I want you to go buy the beer that i like. Got. It. " coldly to me. "Yes, father" nod as I took the money he gave me.

Before I open the door, 'mother' grab my hand with her claws press on my skin. I didn't make any noise from it. So I look at her and she whisper "If you think all of this to make us 'happy'and it's not. You make it worst with your presence in here. I should just throw you when i can." with hatered in her voice. I nod and she let my hand go. I open the door and bow to them before left the apartment.

After few minutes, I arrive at school and go throught my locker. Suddenly, a hand interrupt my thoughts and pinned to the wall next to my locker. I don't turn around because i knew it was Eunsim and her gang.

"Look who it is? Isn't it fun to have a sunbag and 'exercise' in this lovely morning." she say before kick me at my stomach. I got beat up by them at the floor. After couples of seconds went by, before the bell ring they stop and Eunsim say "You know. It's fun to play with you since you weak but... Now that i'm thinking of it... you should just die or kill yourself because you know... You a ugly af little girl and a 빌어 먹을 'burden' to all of us even... Your parents ha haha ha! "she say like a proud one who got A+ in exam while others are whispering to each other.

I quickly got up to my locker, take my books for the first period time and ran to the class.

_________Time skip_________

It's lunch time and I already ate something before going to my favorite place and it's.... Libaryyyyyy!!

I love it there cause it was quiet and peaceful place that no one even bother to came here.
I take my homework book that teacher say and do it. Since nobody here, I enjoy my time in here. I reads many books and sometimes learn new languages
Like italy, korea, japanese, chinese, french, german, russian, spanish, myanmar, indonesian and malay. It was a lot but... Just some I understand and... I also learn sign language... It's so fun to learn sign language.

Suddenly, thinking back from what Eunsim say. It break me a little. I mean how could she say that and suggest me to die or suicide.
It's disrespectful!!!!!!!

_______Time skip again_______

I done my homework in just short period because the question is soooo... easy. I look to my watch and it's almost lunch time out. I pack my stuff up while stand up too and then go to my locker to get the second period book.

After a while, I finish and someone hold me to chock hold cause me to drop my stuff. I can't fight knowing what will happen to me with 'mother'. I look behind me to see one of the gang Eunsim had. Suddenly, a kick fly to my stomach again making me feel hard to breathe. It's Eunsim as I knew it.

They just laugh and continue to beat me up 'good'. I let them bacause i don't want to loose control of it. I meaning my anger and 'unstable' mind in me. It always with voice that say 'kill them'. I dont want to, so I let them be.

_____Time skip again aswell _____

Some time later, they got me 'good' and even me soaking wet cause they pour some water bucket at me. It's so cold! So I have no choise but go to the medical room for a towel. Since no one there it's a relief. Fiuh... Oh! My books!

After dry up a bit, I hand the towel back to it place and walk to the classroom. I quickly go to my seat before teacher even notice me then, sat down. While teacher was teaching, an annoucement came throught the speaker and say " Hwa Aurélie to the office NOW." I don't know why I was called hopefully it's not something bad or not I'm doomed.

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