Eight 🌼<3 ❤

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Alexandre pov:
It's been two days since Aurélie have came back. Our angel has back. When the first time I see her walking through the door, she look just like Mére without ocean eyes. Her figure look just like you, Mére. Her eyes who hold something in it. That no one could tell what she thinking, she good at hiding it all.

She a quiet person and she must have hide something else than that. She cannot be read like the others. I can't tell by her face, her speech, her body language and mostly her eyes. I can't read anything. She good at hiding it in. I'm gonna say she must got that from Pére. *Sigh* ~°

Raphael pov:
The house seem to be so bright then ever before. She's back! She's back! our angel is back!. Thank you, God how much I miss her. She look just like mamma. I can't tell how happy this is but it's make me angry when those who will hurt her in the end. Maybe I can slaughter their throats if that happend.

I can't stop thinking happy that she smiling. I'm gonna spoil her a lot like I did with the younger's. I gonna make her happy 10 times better than she have the past years where we all wasn't there for her. Just wait my bambino, you be the happiest girl in the whole world.

Matheo pov:
I'm glad that she back to the family. She a beautiful angel, like our mére are. She look alike her. I can't accept that our angel had to grow up hurting if it happend . I'm gonna made those who hurt her suffer slow death from what they did to our angel.

I had a great day with the twin's. They seem to understand each other. I can't help it but find it adorable. I'm will protect they smile as if it's the world sake. I do whatever it takes for my family.

Samuel pov:
It's been great this two days. Even though our little Angel back in a day, she had made our home brighter than before. I can't help but teasing her. It's fun to do that. Making her blushing and it's cute. My sœur is belle. She an angel, who send to be born.

Louis pov:
I can't stop but happy to be with sœur. She a princess or an angel. She a person you could never found in this world even travel around it. I believe Raphael are too excited to be with her.

But again.... there's something she hide. Well she must have hide something else in those eyes but can't see it. I have to admit it, she good at hiding it all in. I'm impress by it but... Let's not talk about that stuff. I'm gonna protect her with all I am. I will protect my family from all cost.

Felix pov:
I'm so excited!!!! Being close with her is the best thing could happen to me. She's my twin and we stuck together forever. When papá told me the story of the 'accident'. I can't say anything but angry to those who do it.

When I told my jokes, she laugh. I was happy she like it. I'm gonna make thousands of jokes to make her happy and smile brightly. I love my family and my drago. I love them as the sun it self and fire in me who burn for it.

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