Ten 🌹?

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Aurélie pov:

I remember it all. All of it, the necklace that Daehyun gave me. I still wear it until now. I can't never forget how he treat me as his own. The necklace he gave me was beautiful.

(The necklace)

{For your information: Yin black with white peacoak is Daehyun and Yang white with black dragon is Aurélie

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{For your information: Yin black with white peacoak is Daehyun and Yang white with black dragon is Aurélie. They are matching necklaces.}

I was thinking about the car that following us earlier when we shopping. It could be a stalker but I don't think so since.. Why have stalker?

I search about my family business and found something on the info. About my older brother being the CEO of a big company name '' It's a pod that written 'The Rome family caught in school!' 'Is it true the family lead to the mafia?' 'Mafia caught at school in korea!'. There's so many of them that, I found the keyword [Mafia].
I write everything in my notebook.

(her notebook)

I found another info, so I wrote everything in my special notebook

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I found another info, so I wrote everything in my special notebook. I look at the file who been reported that went missing after involve with my family business.

All the missing report of them who is rapist, abuser, drug trafficking , kidnapping, burglary and robbery. There's a lot who's missing from dealing with my family business.

'How? Why are they in MAFIA? They have a reason right? Did they hurt innocent!? No no no they never hurt innocent, of course. I need to wait until they tell me them self.' I thought because how they act when I'm not around. It's opposite of it too actually since I been sneak or peak of them a lot.

After I done got information, I took my book and put it in the drawer. While later, I'm now studying and I suddenly feel thirsty. I look at my watch and it's 12:00 pm. I get up and go to the kitchen to have some water.

On my way down, I see Louis in the living room. I don't want to disturb him so I got glass of water in the cabinet. Well I'm so I can reach it. I go to the sink and got myself water and while I was drinking , I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and saw no one there. No, no that again.

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