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Aurélie pov:

I walk to the office, nervous because what did I do wrong? Why I been called? Why? Just why!? I need to know the reason of this.

I got in front of the door and knock it three times for manner.... You know what I mean. "come in" as I heard the principal voice. I turn the door handle and step inside. I froze on my track when I saw two police officer of males and seven men in suits sitting on the couches. I look at principal and bow.

It was an akward silense until the principal broke the silense by saying "Miss Aurélie." I look up at him to see his finger pointing to the seat. I nod and sat down at the seat While then one of the officer say "Miss Aurélie, I apolagize for this but your foster parents had pass away two hours ago because of car accident."

I kept my face normal as I ask "How did it happend, Sir?". The officer reply" they car got crash by a truck drunk driver, Miss Aurélie". I have a lot of question about as adopted child, I want to know if I had a family or not because i know i don't have a family before i was adopted. "I see.... Thank you for telling me that but... "

"umm... May I ask if... I have to go to any adoption center.. Again?.... Cause I do not know if I had any relative or someone else to take me in... " I ask the officer but then I heard a clear throat on my left side.

I turn my head to a man who look in mid fourth with ash black hair and emerald eyes. "your family in front of you, Dear".with small smile. I give him one back and "thank you" but actually.... Deep inside me... I was super shock!!!! What the-... I have a family?!

"Miss Aurélie, you can go home now and pack your stuff to leave with them" the principal say. "Oh! Um... okay" I say before get up and walk to the door.

Before I open the door someone take my hand gently. I suprise a little before look up and saw a young man who look like mid twenty' with black hair and emerald eyes. "You don't have to Ange' because they already pack by." He say. I quickly take my hand back with bow saying "thank you so much but you don't have to do all that. It might bother you to do it"

(Ange' - angel)

I heard silense for a's awkward. AndI hate it! So I broke it by saying "I will go and take my stuff now in my classroom ". With that i ran to my bag and stuff and pack it.

_________Time skip_________

I'm now in the car with the seven men from earlier. It was awkward for me since.... I'm not some social person. But then the men who answer my question earlier say"Tresour, would you like us to interduce ourself?".

Ah.... What a relief... "yes, please" with small smile simce this make me more comfortable in this situation. He gave me back a smile and say "Well I interduce myself first. My name is Aldéric Rome and i'm your father Tresour." with a smile again. He turn his head and say "Alright then, boys introduce yourself."

"Hello che'rie, My name is Alexandre Rome and I'm your oldest brother. Age 25." He say with cold on his face but i knew he just doesn't show it [love of course] and he may have his reason. I nod and give him a smile.

At his side is the same man who hold my hand earlier and he introduce himself "Hello there Ange', my name is Raphael Rome and i'm your second oldest brother. Age is 24." with smile so bright to my face. Seem like i have to wear sunglasses because his smile like the sun itself.

I nod and say "you have a beautiful smile there."with small smile on my lips again. He chuckle when I that.

"Hi Mon Beaute, my name is Matheo Rome and I'm your third eldest brother. My age is 20."he say in calm expression and voice. I nod and gave him small smile. He gave me one back.

"Hello belle, my name is Samuel Rome and i'm your fourth eldest brother. Age is 19."he say show some fist to me. So I bumb it and heard others chuckle except for the oldest and the fifth one. I gave him a smile and look at other two.

"Hello papillon, my name is Louis Rome and i'm your fifth brother. Age is 16."he say with small smile. I nod and gave a smile back. I turn to look at the youngest one. "Hi Mon joli dragon, my name is Felix Rome and i'm your twin brother. Age is 15." he say and show his fist. I bumb it and gave him smile.

I was shock to say because I have a twin that I never knew. Well, of course since I never knew it at all... But... It's make me happy inside for first time in year.

((che'rie - sweethart)
( Ange' - angel)
(mon chaton- my kitten)
(belle- beautiful)
(papillion - butterfly)
( Mon joli dragon- my pretty dragon)

After they done, I knew it was my turn so, I interduce myself "Hello everyone, my name is Hwa Aurélie or i should say, my name is Aurélie Rome and age is 15."with innocent face.

After that for some hours, I got tired from looking outside the window since... The brothers seem to be busy with something or.... They just don't know how to interact with me... But I try not to sleep but Felix whisper to me "Sleep well soeur, sleep." and with that darkness take me in.

( Soeur - Sister)

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