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[Before the day bring Aurélie back]

Aldéric (father) pov:

I was working in my office when suddenly i got a call from my men at the phone table. I pick it up and ask them what it was but stop when they say they found my daugther. I was shock that I didn't realize I crash the phone table with my bare hand. My Baby girl has been found. I call all my sons to the office.

A few minutes later, they came in asking 'what happend?' 'why you call us, Pére'?' 'is there something wrong?'. I calm them down and say "We found her."

Then Felix and Raphael scream so loud "Yes!!!" excitment joy to hear this. Then Raphael hug Felix and spin him around in happiness. Matheo and Samuel was in state of tears but holdin it in. Well for Alexandre on the other hand was... his normal deamanor but I know he hiding it inside him. For Louis he... he seem to be... Shock state since he standing at the corner with facing the wall. I sigh and chuckle.

It seem God have make my wish came true. Thank you so much. Oh my sweet Tresour... How I want you to see how much happiness you bring into this family

Felix pov:

Earlier We got call from papa to came to his office. We got up quicklly and go to the office. We enter after knocking the door. All them asking, like you know the same thing but dad calm them down and say

"We found her". I immediately say "Yes!!!" because i knew it's sister that papa told me when i was young. Raph hug me and spin me around. I can't breathe honestly so i pat his back. He release me and say sorry but i say "It's okay, you happy and exited too right?" with smirk and bump his side with my strong elbow.

He mess with my hair with smile. I can't belive it after 14 years we found her. I can't wait to see her.

[The day where they bring Aurélie back home]

Aldéric pov:

We in the principal office when there's a knock on the door. A girl came in,she just look just like my dead wife. "Miss Aurélie" when he say her name. I suprise that the name my wife gave her still there. It's a relief.

After the whole conversation, she ask him about relative with family to take her in and I clear my throat to take her attention. She turn look at me and I said "your family is in front of you, Dear" with small smile. She thank me, so polite.

_______Time skip in the car _______

After our introduction, she introduce herself and the way she talk just like me. I'm so happy that this is the evidence where you don't need DNA test to prove so. And for the whole ride, she sleep on Felix head while he sleep on her shoulder...Awww... My sweet adorable and precious twins.

{Few hours later 😘}

We arrive to our home at the gateway. Aurélie has slept throught whole ride and flight. She must be tired, so we all let her sleep. Felix drift to sleep on her and i took a picture of them. I keep it since it's my only chance to see it but who know when I could see this again.

[Back in the mansion]

I gave Aurél {Aurélie nickname} a tour in the house except for the basement and the third floor. I need to gave her some time before tell her that we in the ‘MAFIA’ business. I fear if she know it she will hate me and her brothers for that. I never fear like this except for the death of my wife.

I also sometimes wish if she could call me something like just... the boys always call me like dad, Pére and papa or even father'.

My love, my dear wife and sun to my life you had gone from this world but you gave Angel's to me. A family that enough to me. I want to ask you ‘did i do it right for them?’. I fear if i fail as a father to them, I fail myself to them as the protecter and the defender to this family. It will make me feel like a worthless person to live in and not seeing my children happy growing up.

I hope worse things never happend to them. If the world hurt this family... just do it to me but not my daugther and my sons. They are the golden children in this world to me. Please god protect them.

I love them as the sun it self. Love them with all my heart that you havw change it, my love. My one and only, Angelica.

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