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Third person pov:

It's been two month and no one says anything even the maids didn't say a word about the accident. Everyone act like nothing happend while Aurélie get more suspicous about this yet she also play in this 'game'.

At meal times, she will always hear her eldest would talking in Itallian accent. She even understand the words since... She know many language such as... Other than english of course.

Today in the morning where Aurélie wake up at usual time. She got off the bed and go to take a shower. After ten minutes showering and done. She dry herself while then took a silicone tape for scars to my calf and useing silicone massive sheets for scars hiding all the scars behind her back. She wear this :

(The outfit)

She take a deep breath and walk out her room

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She take a deep breath and walk out her room. She walk down stairs, then go to the kitchen for the breakfast again.

She see no one here. It was.... Strange.

Aurélie pov:

That.... weird... where is everyone? I look back at my watch and see it's 6:28am in the morning. I sigh as I think I was too early for the breakfast since my watch say it's 6:20 am in the morning.

I walk to the kitchen and see no one here. I make a hot tea since...well it's cold of course.
I walk out to the back yard and sat down on the couches.

It feel relaxable that the woods sounds and the bird chirping..... A nice cup of hot tea.. *Sigh*.... What a dream.

I heard a sound came from the bushes and thought it was nothing as I still remain calm. It might be a bug or something cause once father told me that this place is private place meaning there's are gates from the corners....

I drink my tea act like nothing happend. Then suddenly a hand was at my shoulder and I calm my heart beats that fasten. I ask "who... are you? "


I froze and turn around with step back but my leg step at the fire place and make the tea spill with the glass shatter. Thank God the fireplace doesn't have fire yet.... I look up to see nothing...

Suddenly again,

"Angelica~" *sigh... It's Nyx again*

"good morning and what do you need, Nyx?" *while clean the mess up and finish it quickly*

"I see you got trouble up for something you shouldn't do.... Oh well... Let's see what the 'punishment' goe-" *then I interrupt her*

"Nyx... Please just stop.... Please..." *and then Nyx sigh and gone from my shoulders*

When she say the word 'punishment' the words... Are reminding the past strings that still attached to my wrists and neck.... I can't rip or cut it off.... Whenever I ready to let everything go.... That one string on me never cut.... It's suffocating..

After that, The glass that broken in my hands. I carefully put it in the trash with a practice bag. Since if I just threw it in here, it can hurt me and the plastic inside the trash get cut by the pieces of the glass.

If this happening.... I never knew if I can overcome this....

Afterwards, I walk back inside the house and go to the dining table to see father and brothers here waiting. I look at my watch to see it's 6:54 am.

I greet good morning to them and as usual they say in unison good morning back. I sit at my chair. Even thought it's been two month... I don't get use to this... Time flew too fast and... While eating breakfast after the maids serve to us.

I hear father was on the phone talking in French language.

" Qu'entends-tu par la fuite de la " souris ", Antonio?" with his calm face smiling lips but... His voice seem to be not.

I realize what he meant by his words cause that meaning
'what do you mean by the 'mouse' escape, Antonio?'
what does he mean by mouse?! Does this.... Meaning about their 'work' that they haven't told me yet? .... Should I ask him... No.. If I do that they will suspect me for that of course.

I finish my breakfast and wipe my lips with a napkin. Then Father end his call free he done and say to me

"Aurélie, next week you will be entering a private school the same one with Louis and Félix" with his warmth smile.

I nod "Yes, Father" smile back to him.

After the breakfast and then.... I was boring in my room so... I do my workout like usual but before doing it. I turn on my earbuds and start to play a song name:
{Moonlight by Kali uchis}


1) Heels touches 50times.
2) Crunches 200times
3) Bicycle crunches 50times
4) Russian twist 50times
5) Full plank 1 minutes
6) Elbow plank 1 minutes
7) Push up 10 times

   Slim legs or thigh gap

1) Toe touches [seating] 20 times.
2) Toe touches [standing] 20 times.
3) Lunges 40 times.
4) Pile squat 20 times.
5) Wall sit 1min.
6)Hamsting curls 20 times.
7) sitted butterfly opener 40 times.
8) lay butterfly opener 40 times.
9) scissors leg 25 times.
10) wide leg 20 times.

I'm panting and sweating after this workout that make me do it for ten minutes. I sat at the couch and then look in the mirror.

Third person pov:

She look in the mirror as many horrified things she see flash of the memories.....The glitches of her monsters linger and the chains that was tied to her wrists and her ankles... The red strings attach to her neck with suing her lips to her cheeks... Making her 'smiling'..... Nyx next to her from behind like a shadow with her hands on her shoulders...

"What a perfect 'potrait' of you, Aurélie" say Nyx while she whisper in her siren voice that linger inside Aurélie body.

Aurélie stay silent as the glitches kept in the same scenarios of her hands glitches to cover in blood or.... a bloody knife.... was place to her hands.... Her forest green eyes was lack of the lights in it...

But then everything vanish when a knock on the door heard.

Aurélie pov:

I sigh as I relief the knock distract me from doing something that I never wanted to. I stand up and walk towards the door to open it. As I open the door to see that.... It was a older brother Samuel.

"oh, Samuel, What can I help you with brother?" smile as I don't want him to be suspicious about what I was doing.

"Hey there belle, I just wanna tell you that Dad say we're both gonna go shopping for your school stuff" smiling like it was his dream

"Oh! Alright... Um..... It's just the both of us? " smile as I ask him. "Yap" he say. Sigh.. He sometimes like this...

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