Five 🌼

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Aurélie pov:

After i done unpack everything, I sat on the couch thinking of something. I hope i'm not gonna be use again just like Mrs Heeso did to me.

I heard a knock on the door and it was Félix. He ask "May i come in?" seem to be excited. "Sure" with a smile but i'm not gonna let my guard down while I got up and open the door. He walk in and sat down on the couch and he seem to be hesitate at first but then he ask "Can i hug you?...sorry if it's a silly question but umm... i always wanted a twin"with scratch his back neck and smiling.

I open my arm with smile and he hop in like a cute bear. He look just like a a teddy bear who want a hug. That very adorable to me. But then we both sigh when get interupt by brother Raphael call us downstair for dinner. Well.... I'm not gonna lie cause it's also good to remind about dinner.

We break the hug and exit the room. Before going downstairs, Félix extend me a hand to hold. He look nervous but i gave in by tend my hand to him. We walk to the dining hall with holding our hands.

We arrive at the dining hall. I sat down at the empty chair next to Louis it name... He seem pretty queit person and Félix sat across me.

After seconds later, the maids serve our food and left. I don't know how to trust them yet but just eat. I finish fisrt since it usually i eat fast. Then the others too, Matheo ask me "how did you eat so fast?" with a calm voice but curious in it.... *sigh*..why is it so easy to read them?..... "Well i usually ate like this. Why?" with a smile. All of them turn to me like they see a ghost. I mean... Of course I eat fast cause I'm a eater.

Older brother I mean.... Alexandre say that after the dinner he want me to follow them into Father office. I nod and wait for them to finish. I was thinking about why they want me to follow them and I think it's about rules...

[After Dinner done]

(the office)

(the office)

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We sat a the couch while Alexandre, Father and Raphael sit at the couch

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We sat a the couch while Alexandre, Father and Raphael sit at the couch. Matheo, Samuel and Louis is standing back at them. Felix sit with me holding my hand so I won't get nervous. It help me a lil'.So I look at them and they nod.

"As you can see teroso we have our rules here so please listen carefully ok?"
Father say. I nod and he continue. "We will start now.
1) No back talking.
2) Do not go to the basement..
3) Respect us and we will give you back.
4) No boyfriend until you 18 and focus on studying.
5) Reply to us, so that we can understand clearly.
6) No alcohol, drug and smoke.
7) You can do whatever you want but please tell your brothers and me before go anywhere.
Is that clear?"

Other nod at the fourth one and it's hilarious to see they protective. "Y...Yes, Father" smile. I notice they all froze with some tense up. I tilt my head confused and curious by their action.

After they came to their senses, Father chuckle and pat me gently at my head. He say to me that I can leave now.

So I left with Felix and call "Felix". He froze and turn to me "Y-yes my joli drago" with a smile and almost tear up. I giggle and open my arms. He hug me and tears fall from his cheek as he smile.

We break the hug and I wipe the tears off his cheek with my sleeve. I'm almost forgot to ask him about what I think earlier. "Felix, can I ask you something?". He nodded and I continue "Well if you being pat at your head is it make you feel something?".

"Oh you mean papa pat? Yeah! Papa pat are the best thing you could have because it make you feel loved by him again and again even though he show it the most of the time" he say while smiling. "I see..." I say with small smile.

Few seconds later, We arrive at my door and Felix told me "If you need anything just go to my room ok?" with 👌hand. I say "ok" with 👌like he does. We say our goodbye and goodnight to each other before going to our room.

Right now... I laying down on my bed thinking about today events.... About Mr and Mrs Hwa, Eunsim, principal and my real family now. I don't know what coming next but I hope it be okay and... I just hope that I won't fail this time of the year.... I guess. I drift off to sleep and the darkness take me in..

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