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Third person pov:

Meanwhile, In the living room Félix and Matheo watching the news since Angelo a bit bore after watching movies or his favourite shows. Alexandre and Raphael walk in from the front door after done the 'business' work. Aldéric was at the armchair while reading the news papers.

They both greet their father as he greet his sons back. Félix glance at them and notice Raphael face smile. Félix feel a little uneasy but act like it's nothing while making a joke about Samuel to Matheo.

Matheo hold his laughter with clench his fist. Félix giggles as he hold his stomach. Samuel walk in and ask them "What funny that you got the calm bear holding an air in lungs?" sleepy and sweats from the gym. Félix smirk while say "Oh nothing.... ". Samuel suspicious and look at his phone camera as a mirror, he see he was written mustache marker on his face... He immedietly lundge to Félix as he chase him around the house cause he knew who had did this. Félix ran away from Samuel since he scream "Guys!! Help me!!! ".

Louis walk in and Félix see the chance of life. He ran to Lorenzo and hide behind him "Lo... Help me" plead with puppy eyes. Louis narrow with bore face. He just shrugg his shoulder but remain there as he let Félix behind him.

Samuel walk toward them and grab Félix by the arm. He lock him in shoulder lock and ruffles his hair. Félix shout "Hey! Not the hair!". Samuel smirk while ruffles more.

The others some chuckle and some sigh. Aldéric broke it "Boys, that enought fighting". They quickly pull away. Raphael smile while say he had to do something in his room.

Alexandre feel something off but keep it down for now. Aldéric remain his face unchanged but feel worry for his son. He nod and Raphael smile while walk up stairs before say to his siblings to not swearing.

The rest that are still in the living room nod while Félix with Samuel chuckles.

Raphael pov:

I sigh shook my head but remain the smile. Before I go into my room. I walk to my cute sœur bedroom. I turn the knob slowly and silently since I don't want her to disturb her. I see her sleeping with earphone was in in her ears with her phone with music.

I see the phone batteries was 10% and see the earphone was almost off. I walk to her silently while turn off both and charge it on her wire chargers. I turn back to her and fix her sleep position to make her feel comfortable as she sleep to the side.

I cover her with blanket until below her shoulders. My lovely sister is so adorable and vurnable when she sleeping.

I suddenly feel a headache as I suddenly recall Mom. I look at her and see the reflection by her face. It's so fimiliar to Mom. I feel a sudden sadness and anger in my heart for not been able to keep the promise from Mom... I trace away the hair strance and kiss her forehead.

I walk out with close the door behind me. I walk back to my room and close the door as I lock it. I go to my closet and open the last one. I open the door and see the man who I have been invastigate and search my whole life. I feel the sudden rage and hatered as I try to control it with my smile. I still... Remember... Everything

=========== RAPHAEL PAST ==========

When I was 7 years old, Mom will always tell stories whenever my anger blurt out. She is the only one who calm me down. I have a huge temper problem at the time cause me to have some troubles at school.

I have no friends, teachers hate me for it and all they look at me with those eyes even whispering behind me... It just make me feel sick and wanted to vomit.

For three years, Mom have teach me how to be patience and be gentelmen. I sometimes will complain but she never give up. When I was 11 years old, I was learning it and at night. I hear sound at outside. I slowly walk out and see Dad running so fast to here, there and even upstairs with downstairs multiple times. I turn to Alexandre who is 12 that time. I ask him and he explain that Mom is almost take out the twins.

I was shock and wanted to help but don't know why I just blank. I don't know what to do. Alexandre was carry the bag and I was looking down with anger myself. Alexandre came to me and hug me by his one arm around my shoulder and he whisper

"Hey.. Focus.. Don't go too much in the air cause if you do, you will never be in the throne".

I nod and he pull away. I see Dad demand the maids to take care Theo, Samuel and Louis.

After that

When we four in the car, I hug the bags tightly as Dad press the engine to increase the speed while Mom grunt and wince in pain since she hold her huge tummy. For about five minutes, we arrive at the close hospital in this area.

Dad was so fast he got out, shut the door, open Mom door and carry her in bridal style. I never see him like that at all. I got snap out my thought when Alexandre shout my name. "Coming!" and quickly get the other bags and got out.

I see doctors and nurse rushing here and there. I was lost and anxious with anger as I try to calm down while panting heavily with sweating. I remember Mom told me to count numbers, take a deep breath and blew it out.

I calm down for a while and ask a nurse where My Dad with brother is. She lead me to the fifth floor as I see Dad and Alexandre sitting infront of the labor room.

For an hour, Mom didn't came out yet and Dad is more worry. Dad stand up and go inside the labor room as I peek from the window door to see Dad hold Mom hand and Mom... Is yelling at Dad while hold Dad hand that red by her grip.

I just thought 'Wow... Mom is scary when she mad... But not like Dad... He more than 'scary' '. I feel a tap on ny shoulder and it's Alexandre. I confused but he also want peek since he just silent all the time like usual. Then, I stand at the door while Alexandre lean at a wall while cross his arms.

For another two hour, I was asleep lay head on Alexandre shoulder as we both at the seats. Alexandre woke me up when a nurse came to us and lead us in. When get inside, we both ask Mom if she okay and she say she a little exhausted but she fine. I nod but Zadkiel seem not to take that.

Dad was holding two babies saying she is Aurélie our new born baby sister and Félix our new born baby brother. He place them both in two hospital baby crib. I go to Aurélie side and Alexandre go to Félix side.

I poke her cheek with my finger gently but she suddenly crying. I panic and see Alexandre glare at me while cares Félix head so gentle and slow.

I panic with anger myself for let that happend and suddenly her little cute tiny hand grip my indeks finger and she laugh smile.

Tears welt up as I feel a sudden warmth. I don't know why but it feel so warmth that I don't want to let it go.

After that for two month it was peaceful family that are almost a perfect one but then..... when the 'accident' happend. Dad still have times with us all but sometimes I always hear his sob in his office.

I notice Alexandre became more distant and cold than ever, Matheo has sometimes couldn't control his frustration but I teach him since... Mom have teach me. Samuel have been distant and pushing himself too hard on improvement. Louis have also be like Alexandre and I don't know what to do so... I always been with Félix since then....

One day at age of 12, I start to practice smile infront mirror and put my anger in my heart every day.... So that in the house no cold, empty with dark and there is still left of warmth and light in it. I keep this up for every day even.. Even thought I also pretend to be 'Perfection' brother.

========= End of RAPHAEL Past =======

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