Six 🌼

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Aurélie pov :
I woke up at 4:00 a.m and took a shower, brush my teeth and dry my hair with a towel. It was 4:10 a.m . I just study while wait for breakfast. I wear a grey sweat shirt and black pants.

(outfit without the bag)

(outfit without the bag)

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{50 minutes later}

It was 5:00 a.m and i'm done studying. I went downstairs and I remember everything like way to kitchen, game room and library. I went to library, it was beautiful.



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I take some books and sit on the couch

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I take some books and sit on the couch. It's was 5 books that I take. I'm on the fourth book after an hour went by, until the door burst open.

I jolt suprised and then went to the stairs. I saw Félix was at the top of the stairs look around and when he saw me, he goes to me then pick me up in bridal style. I was confuse and surprise right now because of his action. He take me to the living room where others was there discuss in a circle.

I was really confuse but didn't make the question face of course. They notice me in Felix arms and look relief. We all sat down the couches while I sat between Father and Félix.

Father hug me and say"Tre'sor where you been? You worry us all... Thank goodness Félix had found you". "Father, I was at the libary earlier.... Sorry for not tell you all so soon."😅

(Tre'sor - treasure)

The atmosphere is awkward and... It seem the oldest are... In bad mood today... Oops... I smile awkwardly.

Félix tell me a joke "Ok joli drago, my dear brothers and papa' I ask you a question .What is... The biggest Rope? ."

I was confused at first and then Louis answer "The rope in South Korea at 2005?".
But then Felix shake his head no. We all confused and didn't knew what it was. He giggles and say "It's Eroupe" with a smirk on his lips.

My face turn Oooh... 😮 and then giggle about it. It was funny but then Samuel get Felix in a choke hold and messing his hair. Angelo scream while saying "Aaahhh!! Not the hair! "

After a while we had our breakfast, I'm done with it like yesterday and I wait for the others to done. After few minutes, and I ask with a smile but a bit nervous yet I didn't show it "Father can I go to the library?". "Thank goodness, there a person in this house like me" Alexandre, Matheo and Louis mumble together.

I light up "You guys like to read? " excited to have a reading buddy. "Yes we are and you have to advice the other since they know like us". I could see the other meaning brother Raphael, Samuel and Felix ashamed and embarrassd about this, so I calm it down with saying "It's alright they choose to be who they are and not us". I notice Father seem to be proud while the boy's stunned.

Did it too much or... I say something that is wrong?... But with that i invited them "Do you guys want to go to the library together?" nervous with smile. "I'm sorry petite sœur but I have something to d-" Alexandre was interupt by Louis "Of course sœur, we can come with you" smile a little while glare at Alexandre while Matheo just nodding.

No... Don't force yourself guys...😅

Before leaving, I turn around and walk to Father. I nervous a little as I gave him a hug. He hug me and kiss me at forehead. My ears turn red a little and Samuel say teasing "oh... is someone blushing~?" with a smirk.

I got heat up and my face must be look like tomato. "Quit bothering her, Samuel" Alexandre say while pat my head and kiss my forehead. We left after that.

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