Seventeen 🛍

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Aurélie pov:

Older brother Samuel told me to get ready and I say that I don't have to cause I just wear What I am now.

His face literally saying just change will ya Literally

I nod and close the door. I go to the closet room and close that door. I look inside the closet searching what should I wear. Since I don't have any kind of idea what should I wear....

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Black, green and white is my favorite color

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Black, green and white is my favorite color. So wearing it make me feel happy and comfortable.

I walk out my door and close it before go end the hallway to downstairs. As I reach downstairs, I see Samuel already here wearing this....

He look up at me from his phone

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He look up at me from his phone. He seem to be... Pissed?

Oh! It must be something from his work or something cause for two month, I knew him for his short temper and his shyness to affection.

As I infront of him, I tilt my head "Brother?"
He look at me and then he said "Let's go"

Hm... Something must happens for him to act this way... I nod and walk with him.

Time skip

As we both in the car, I was at the passenger seat as of course he at the driver seat driving. Who else gonna drive...

I could see from the corner of my eyes his hands clenching the steering wheel while his other hand was holding his cigarette since his window open.

I turn off the air conditioner and tap press the window of mine down. It feel free to feel the natural wind but more feel like Antarctica.

Anyway.... I turn look at him and I raise a hand to ask.

He seem to notice when he nod. I ask "Brother, is there something bother you? "

He then look at me saying he is fine but.... I can see he is not. I don't push it further as I nod and lean at my seat.

As they arrive at the mall parking lot

I see many people here well of course since it's holiday summertime. Summertime.... Reminds me of the song.... Anyway!

Samuel got out and I got out too. He lock the car before we enter the mall. After that, we just walking while I look around. I want a store that only school shop. Just only school stuff.... That it.

So while then, Samuel grab my arm and drag me to a store. It is a book store shop but... Why is everything is expensive?!

*Sigh*.... Why.. Why is the world is so unfair... Back to the shopping, Samuel take some of school tools and things even bags like three?! No Brother don't take so many.

In the end, I lose and he pay it. I really want to pay them back when I grown up.

For my readers, I deeply apologize!! I'm so sorry making you wait. Actually, I'm just a beginner and I'm still at school stuff so. I'm so sorry readers!! I'm sorry for making you all waiting and bored! 😥😣.

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